Adorable dolly

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【 ⋆ 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐎𝐕 ⋆ 】

I was just putting on my jacket ready to head out my door but I almost forgot something, I ran to my mum and gave her a little peck on her soft cheek and left. How much I loved my mother god forbid something bad happening to her.

Walking through the empty park I looked around my surroundings breathing in the fresh after rain air.

It cleansed the stained blood off of my hands after the secret murders I've committed, not to boast about myself but I was an expert at it.

Never caught, never accused of anything. Life was perfect.

On my way I passed many strangers as I gave them all a polite smile earning one back. Hoping they wouldn't be on my hit list.

I was visiting my dear friend who didn't know about my secret...hobby.

standing outside the hotel she was staying in i felt pity for her, her dumbass father left her mother and took her with him, realising he doesn't have anywhere to stay the idiot found the cheapest, nasties hotel in this town.

If my friend hadn't loved her father I would've already slaughtered him.

Calming down my anger I walked inside immediately locking eyes with one of the cute guys who worked there, I winked at him before disappearing into the elevator.

There was an elderly woman with me standing at the very back corner as if she was trying to keep away from something and that's when I laid eyes on the doll.

It was leaned lazily against the wall with impressively realistic scars on his face and blood scattered all over its overalls. Trust me I have experiences with blood and I could of mistaken it for real blood...impressive.

"Ugly doll" I heard the elderly woman say glancing at the doll then taking another step back far away from it as possible.

As the elevator went up the lights shut off which was normal in this cheap hole but then i heard the doll. "Fuck you"
I burst out laughing while the old granny gasped in shock.

The lights flickered on making me take a better look at the doll.

I reached out for it cuddling it like a literal baby. "What a cool dolly" I laughed again.

I glanced at the lady who had her hand on her chest taken back by what I said.

The dolls head snapped unnaturally towards the granny who jumped in fear.

"Hi I'm Chucky and you should keep your mouth shut."

"Go to hell!" She now shut her eyes holding onto the wall...well she was terrified.

I chuckled causing the doll to snap his head towards me as I looked into it's realistic ocean eyes I was convinced they were literally looking into my soul.

"Hi I'm Chucky, and I would love a big hug!" His infamous child voice rang in my ears.

I engulfed him into a tight hug widening my eyes as I felt the dolls little hands tightening his grip on me as if he was hugging back.

Who ever made this robotic doll was truly talented not going to lie.

I chuckled feeling the placement of his gripping hands, they were touching my breast due to his tiny arms.

Pulling back from the embrace I watched his grin form on his scarred bloody face.

It was so life like it probably cost a lot of money who would just throw it out like that?

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