chapter 10

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Cas had woken up to an empty bed and a faint smell of eggs in the air. He smiled to himself before getting up from the bed and heading to the kitchen.

"Morning sunshine." Dean said when he saw the Alpha walk into the room.

"Morning." Castiel walks over, wrapping his arms around the Omega and then places a soft kiss to his cheek.

Dean stands there in a brief state of shock but then just as fast turns into a smile. "Well that was unexpected, but im not complaining about it."

Cas detaches himself to grab one of the two plates of eggs on the counter. "Well im just full of mysteries aren't I."

"Yes Cas, yes you are." Deans smile then fades. "Speaking of mystery. I called my little brother Sam, he's a Beta on the police force in town. I hope your not mad but I told him your story about the.." He falters before quietly saying. "The tourcher. Anyway with all the details you told me Sammy was able to get a pretty good idea of where this place was." Dean stops talking to grab Castiel's hand. "Cas they raided it and saved so many people."

Castiel could not hold in the tears that started spewing as he hugged Dean.

Dean hugged him back before continuing. "They caught all the bad Betas who are going in for trile soon. Sam said all the Alphas and Omegas are getting treated at the hospital and will then be taken somewhere to help them cope with the trauma. Cas you saved people." Now they were both hugging and bawling.

"I cant believe its all over Dean."

This causes Dean to smile. "I told you I would protect you angel and that's just what im doing."

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