Forever Gone

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Gasps and worried growls rose from the pack. Brute looked at me and said with a bark,

"Storm wishes to fight Alpha for leadership. Alpha, do you agree?"

Alpha growled and shot me a glare. Then looked at Brute and growled.

"Yes, I agree."

"Well then." Brute growled to himself. Then he looked up and howled to all of the wolves, "Make a circle for Storm and Alpha."

All the wolves knew what to do, so they created a wide circle so Alpha and I could fight. I waited on one side, just plain waiting. Waiting for my revenge on Alpha. To show him that I'm not the outsider. But he is.

When Alpha stood on the other side, I caught something I thought I would never see in his cruel eyes.

Brute stood in between us. His ruffled brown-black fur swaying in the breeze.

"Storm wishes to fight Alpha for leadership. And Alpha agrees. Let the best wolf win." Brute said and stepped away, telling us that our time to fight was ready. Alpha started to move, his tail flicking back and forth. I stood still, using my best trick of all.

And you know what? Alpha fell for it. He leaped at me as I pretended to look away, but I knew he was there. Alpha leaped and landed on my back. I pretended to be surprised and fell down. Then I let Alpha bite me a few times before I let my body go limp. Alpha barked with amusement. He bent down close to me and whispered in my ear,

"That's what you get for challenging Alpha outsider."

He loosened his grip on me....but a big mistake for him. As he did so, I leaped to my feet, sending him flying. I came down on the stunned Alpha. Now it was my turn to give him a few bites. I even nipped his ear, leaving a permanent nick there. Alpha howled with pain and threw me off.

While he was still trying to stand, I nipped his side a few times. Then I stood a little ways off, panting. One of my legs was bleeding from a bite and my head was ringing from his giant paw. I looked to see if Juniper was there in the gathering of wolves. But....she wasn't.

Alpha took his chance while I looked away. He attacked and bit me hard on the other legs and nipped my sides. Now I howled with pain. I tried to throw him off, but couldn't. I was getting weaker, and he was nipping harder because I wouldn't give up. Then he stepped back, waited until I got up then lifted one huge paw.... and stepped on my head with it. Making me go down and finally submit.

Alpha stood proudly before me, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction.

Brute howled, "Alpha is the winner!" then he looked at me, sorrow in his eyes. "But Storm...I'm sorry, but you're abandoned from the pack." Brute stepped back, for it was Alpha's job to send me away. He howled and nipped my ear. My guess pay back for his. But mine was bigger. Then he growled at me, "Leave, and NEVER come back!"

I turned and started to walk away, my head ringing loudly. My ear hurt badly, but I tried to walk away with pride. I looked back to see Juniper staring after me. Sadness filled her eyes. She went to howl a good bye but Alpha barked at her. She cowered and looked at me again. Then whispered. "I'll miss you my friend."

And I knew she wasn't lying. And I knew I was forever gone.

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