chapter 1

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Clem POV.

        Hi my name is Clementine Rosalie Collins; but most call me Clem, Rose, or Collins or all three depending on the person. I am 16 years old starting 11th grade so i'll be a Junior at Ridgeway high school in Memphis, Tennessee. I am really excited for this year because my best friend Blake Hunter is back in town form his over whelming summer in Florida. I have missed him a lot i have changed a lot over the summer not only personality and social scale but in looks too. I wonder what he will think of me when he sees me tomorrow. What if he doesn't like the knew me? What if he doesn't want to be my friend any more? what if he has changed a lot to?! Oh no, hear i go again rambling with anxiety with out even knowing. Uggggggg i need to stop that. Well i am about to go do my home work so i will have to keep you updated on my first day of school. Until tomorrow my friends.


next day: Monday

        I woke up to ongoing annoying sound of my alarm clock. I move my sleepy hand towards the alarm clock and bash the sleep button in. oh how I hate morning I say as I swear under my breath and begin my day with my usual morning routine; which typically starts with a shower.

        I hop into the shower and let the relaxing hot water flow over my body while waking up my every muscle. As i slowly wake up I remember what day it is and begin to panic and over flow with excitement. Today is the day i get to see Blake......

         Slowly i get out of the shower and put on my floral dress with my red converse. I curl my long blond hair and pin a small part of my hair back with two bobby pins. i put on blush and mascara to make my bright blue eyes brighter; and i finish off with a light pink lip gloss. I grab my bag and head down stairs to find my older brother, nathan and younger sister, lily fighting over the last piece of bacon but i step into the mix and steal it.  

Lily and Nathan both shout "Hey!" as I snap the piece in half and pop it into my mouth.

" What? I just ended y'all's fighting and i was hungry" i said with an innocent smile

        Nathan slowly stands up and runs at me throwing me over his shoulder and plopping me down on the couch as he tickles me. 

"Please stop!...... Nathan!....... Please have mercy!......." I scream through fits of laughter

        He finally stops and ruffles my hair as i shoot him a death glare while Lily, my little sister, laughs.

" That's what you get for stealing my bacon" he says as he laughs at my glaring face

        I stand up and mutter a " whatever" and walk towards the door to my light blue old truck and head to school. I blast the music through the car as i turn into the busy parking lot. i hop out of my car and grab my bag and as I turn around I see him and boy has he changed I mean look at his arms and his toned chest..... stop Clem this is wrong I think to my self. 

         I am about to run over and give him a hug when all of the sudden Jessica, the schools slut walks up and clings to his arm. I am in shock as they make there way towards me but soon recover when i hear his voice.

 "Hey Clem, long time no see" He says as Jessica leans in and kisses him. Oh no what has happened to my best friend.....



hey guys! this is my first book i have written so far. please give me feed back as to what y'all think so far! i am so sorry this is not edited. also i am looking for a new cover..... so if any of y'all have any ideas or want to make me one feel free. well thanks again and i hope you enjoy it.


PS. i will hopfully be updateing every tuesday and when ever i have time.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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