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"Hey" he says.

I look into his dreamy eyes and curl my hair with my fingers. "Hey" I reply. A line began to form behind me at Target. Everyone wanted Alex. I thought to myself, I need to act quickly. "Hey" I say again. Fuck i already said that i think to myself. He looks up from bagging my vegetables and gives a quick smile. I then say "Oh! I forgot something." and so I run off into the ailes of Target. I come back with a box of condoms and some sexy lingerie. Maybe he will give me a discount. "So um Alex, is it? My name is Laura." I wanted him so bad.

He suddenly pinned me up against the bubblegum and pop fridge and said "that will be $34.97"


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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