chapter 2

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When I woke up I was in a bed. I was sorta confused until I heard cassia get down here. I saw it was 8:54 pm and it was dark outside. I stretched and yawned ruffling my hair. I saw my bags in the corner of the room. I walked to it remembering make up. I got out my eye liner and mascara. I put on a thick line of eyeliner which made my blue eyes pop. I put on my mascara and for some reason I left the room and smiled at my blue toe nails they had little smiley faces on them. I was lost in my own world but snapped out when I hit something hard and fell to the floor. I opened my eyes and saw a boy with dark blue eyes and black scene hair. I also noticed he had no shirt on. He had nice abbs I smiled at the thought. I diddnt even know he was talking to me. Are you Ok? I looked at his lips he had a black lip ring. Are you Ok? Uh yah. He got up and held his hand out for me. I just nodded and got up myself. He said uh Ok then. I'm zach . He gave me a crooked smile. With that my heart melted. I smiled and said I'm Sophia but you can call me sophie . if you want. Ok Sophie. Are you cassia and Josephs son? No I'm christians friend. Oh well i- but cassia cut me off with a huge hug. I shyly wrapped my arms around her. When she fell to the ground. Quickly what I thought was lilly she had long red straight hair it was really pretty. she had golden brown eyes. I was still shocked when suddenly I was alone.

Except for Austin he was standing behind me emotionless

I just looked down to where it all happened. There was blood on the floor. What happened that cassia was bleeding. I remember her hug me and cough. There was blood on the trim of my sleeve.

awkward in lifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora