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Things To Keep in Mind Before Reading:

(Y/N) = Your name

(N/N) = Nickname

(A/N) = Author's Note

≪ ⌛︎ ≪ ⌛︎ ≪ ⌛︎ ≪ ⌛︎ ≫ ⌛︎ ≫ ⌛︎ ≫ ⌛︎ ≫

They say he used to be kind, the type of guy who any girl would want to be with. He was caring and smart, and so incredibly funny. He had a sense of humor unlike anyone I've ever heard of.

But times change, and so do people.

He closed himself off after the explosion. And worst of all, he blamed me and my family.

We grew apart and shortly after, he came after me.

He had grown powerful in our world, being known to be a ruthless leader who refused to take no for an answer.

He was filled of hate and instead of being the type of guy everyone loved, he became the one all feared. Even those who didn't work with him knew him by his
flagitious personality. He terrified many, but murdered even more.

He killed my father in cold blood, leaving the company and the gang in my possession.

I'd say it all worked out perfectly for me, but I'm no fool. There's obviously something he gets out of it, and I plan to find out as soon as possible.

It's been tough recruiting members because a lot of them left me to join him. I swore to start getting rid of those who aren't loyal.

In my first year as mafia leader, it was really tough. No one thought I, only the mere daughter of a leader, could actually be a leader herself. They didn't think I was capable of handling all of the responsibility that came with being leader. But I proved them wrong when I finally stepped up to the plate and put my foot down. I showed them who was boss, and some people had to die in order for me to do so.

I didn't always want to be in the mafia world. I wanted to get away from it all and travel.

Hell, I would've accepted father's arranged marriage if it meant I could ditch my husband to leave this dark past behind.

But if Mark Lee changed, so did I.

I grew into the role of mafia leader. It took some getting used to, as well as a lot of threats, but I feel like I've changed my father's gang into my own. It was stressful at first, choosing who to threaten or kill, but after a couple of years, it's become my sixth sense.

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