Chapter 1

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(Shiroi POV)

"Hana Shiroi my youngest child, you will be the maid for the youngest son of Uchiha Fugaku and Mikoto, his name is Uchiha Sasuke is that clear my daughter." I bowed my head down to my father." Yes father, I understand what I must do as the leader's youngest child of the Hana Clan." Looking to the side to see all my brothers and sisters looking at me with disgust. They have hated me ever since I was picked for this role. From a young age, I was chosen to be a human vessel for an evil spirit, it's called the Yuki-Onna that was destroying our land and terrifying our people. Now everyone fears me for something I didn't do and are frightened that I will lose control and kill them as well. But my father saw something different within me, instead of a monster .... he saw a light of hope. When I first met Uchiha Fugaku and his wife Mikoto, they wanted to make an agreement with my father over the two clans. Both my father and Fugaku arranged something that had to deal with me and their youngest son, saying that since I have the Yuki-Onna sealed within me, I should protect him and stay by his side as his maid. It was also for me to learn how to control the powers of the Yuki-Onna.

"Now you may go and pack your things my snow Lilly." my father says with a sad smile knowing he will never see me again. I get off my knees and bow down in front of my father and walked out of the room going down the hallway that leads to my room, as I was walking down the hallway I hear my sisters having a conversation about something. "I can't believe father picked IT." one sneered, "I know, that THING doesn't deserve to go.", "IT deserves to be alone with no one to love her." they all agreed with one another about what they said about me. I just kept walking pretending that I didn't hear anything while walking into my room, my tears started flowing down my face knowing no one could see me. After I was done crying and drying my face off I started to pack my things up, I looked around my room while I was walking towards my door seeing how bare it was.

I sighed and walked out of my old room closing the door and starting to walk out of my house to the front gates, looking around and taking it all in knowing I'll never see my home again. As soon as I got to the front gates I could see that my whole clan came to see me off, the gates started to open and I could see a carriage coming into view knowing it was them. Fugaku walked out of the carriage while holding his wife's Mikoto hand helping her out, after them two boys walked out as well. One with long raven black hair came out first next to him was a boy who looked no older than 4 or 5. "I'm glad to see you came just in time old friend, she is waiting right over here." my father said to Fugaku. He nodded his head and brought his younger son over to me, "This is my youngest son Uchiha Sasuke, he will be under your care from now on, do you understand?" he told me with authority, I bowed my head to him acknowledging what he said, "Yes Fugaku-sama, understood."

Soon I felt a tug on my kimono, looking down I see Sasuke looking at me with curiosity "Hello Sasuke I'm Shiroi, it's nice to finally meet you in person ." I said kneeling to meet eye level with him. He was shy at first but then saw my tail wag little and my ears twitching which made him giggle. He hugged my arm tightly. "Hi Shiroi, it's nice to meet you too. Why do you have a tail and ears? How old are you? I'm 5 years old hehe~!" he held up his hand to show me how old he is with his finger, I found it adorable. "I'm 12 years old, and the reason why I have fox ears and a tail is because I'm a kitsune." smiling at him. While trying to stand up he started to make grabby hands at me wishing to be picked up. I looked over to his mother for permission, she nodded with a soft smile on her face. Then I picked him up he moved his hands to my ears and started to play with them. He told me how soft they were and giggled every-time they would twitch. It made me happy to see him like this for some reason. "It's time to go now." Fugaku-sama cut in with a stern look, I nodded to him and put Sasuke down. He looked down sadly and clung onto my kimono.

(Sasuke POV)

I didn't want to leave Shiroi and no see her ever again, I know I just met her but she is very nice and I want her to stay with me. I heard a soft giggle coming from her. She put her hand under my chin and lifted my head to look at her. "Don't worry Sasuke I'm coming with you so I can help care and protect you,"She said to me with a heart warming smile. I bounced up and down in excitement hearing that she is coming with us. Running over to my father to ask him if she was telling the truth, "Is it true father, that she is coming home with us!" he looked down at me and patted my head "Yes son she's coming with us, she's your new maid." I smiled and yelled with joy, running back over to Shiroi her legs with happiness almost knocking her over.

(Time Skip)

When we got back home we started to show Shiroi around the compound and greeting some of the clan members, soon after that we showed her where she will be staying, which was a bedroom right beside mine. "I'm happy you're here Shiroi I can't wait to have so much fun with you!" grabbing her left hand and swinging it back and forth with the biggest grin on my face. "I'm happy to be here with you as well Sasuke, now let's go get you washed up and ready for bed," she told me picking, me up taking me to the bathroom. Once we made our way there she started to undress me, she then put me in the tub. After I was done bathing she started to dress me in my pj's. "Can you read me a bedtime story Shiroi?" "Okay Sasuke, what do you want me to read." running over to my bookshelf to find my favorite book. I ran back over to my bed laying down with my book. I handed the book to her, "The Prince And The Maid huh?" she looked away from the book to me and giggled and agreed to read it.

"Long ago there was a prince who was soon to rule his kingdom, but first he would have to find himself a princess to rule by his side. Every day and every night he would look high and low to find himself his princess, but all the princesses he would come across were greedy and rude. The prince soon was about to give up the search, until one day he heard a beautiful voice coming from the forest. After a while, he soon came across a maiden sitting near the edge of a pond looking down into it and humming a beautiful melody. The prince slowly approached her but accidentally stepped on a twig which alerted the fair maiden. She was startled to see the prince behind her, she jumped and was ready to run back to the palace, "Wait please don't run away." the prince took a step closer to her "I'm sorry my prince but I must leave, I'm sorry." The maiden ran away, but she dropped something in the process. It caught the prince's eye, it was an amulet. The prince bent down to pick up the pendant, it was encrusted with a blue jewel in the middle of it and beautiful designs, and on the back had a name engraved on the back of it, Lillian. "My sweet Lillian I will find you someday."

"Well, it's time for bed Sasuke." Shiroi closed the book and walked over to my bookshelf to put it away. "But I want to hear the ending." I pouting to her wanting to hear the ending, "Maybe tomorrow but right now this prince needs to sleep." she tucked me in bed and gave me a kiss on the head "Goodnight my prince see you in the morning." She closed my door behind her. I turned to my window to see a shooting star fly across the night sky, I cupped my hands and started to make a wish.

"I hope I find my fair maiden one day."









Hey guys I would like to say thank you to AnimeKitty121 who helped me with this chapter giving me a review and fixing up some of it. It was great knowing someone would help me with one of my favorite works, I will unhold this book once I get about 3 more chapters into it. And I will be rewriting some of my other books as well.

Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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