Prologue Part 4

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I should go back. I can probably meet up with Roy on the way.

One step at a time, I slowly walk back the way I just came. After walking for a bit, I see someone's shadow in the darkness.

"Roy! Thank goodness."

As I run towards the shadow, I notice that it is not just one person's shadow.

Is that... the monster from before?


I need to trust Roy and keep going. I just know he'll catch up with me soon.

I uplift my spirits and continue walking forward. After walking for a while, I hear a rumbling like sound. As I look ahead, I see a puppet made of stone coming my way.

What is that?!


As I turn around and desperately try to run away, I find myself astonished at what awaits before me. Even in the other direction, there was a monster closing in on me.

What am I going to do? If I don't do something quickly, I'm going to be killed!

Goosebumps cover my body as 'death' closes in.

"I... I don't want to die!"

"Haha. Looks like you're having a rough time. Phoenix, need some help?"

A carefree voice that feels almost out of place radiates down from above.

A carefree voice that feels almost out of place radiates down from above

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As I look up, I see a man with burgundy hair floating above me. Why is it that everyone I run into is able to use magic like this? Right when that pops into my head, I notice that his body is transparent and that I can see everything behind him.

"What... What are you?!"

"Haha! What are you getting so surprised about now?"

"As you know, I am the amazing Jordan, presently kicking it as a ghost."

"Jordan... Wait, ghost? You're dead?"

Jordan, after hearing my odd reaction, tightens his lips.

"Phoenix, are you sure you have time to be acting like this?"

"You can really die if you keep joking at a time like this."

"Just like me."


Listening to the way he talks, it sounds like he knows me from somewhere.

But I still can't remember a thing.

" I'm sorry ."

" I can't remember who you are."

Jordan blinks at me and astonishment.

"Whaaat? What are you trying to say?"

" I've lost all my memories."

After telling him that, Jordan snickers to himself.

" Haha… I get it now."

" That's hilarious."

" It's not funny!"

" Anyways, we have to run way!"

"Hmm… yeah, whatever. Come on. Follow me."

"Come on. Over here."

"Uh, okay!"

Jordan leaves passageway and goes out the window. As I stick myself at the window and take a look around I see that there is a place where I can land. I pull up the hell on my dress in an ungraceful manner and jump out the window.

"We should be safe now."

the place that Jordan took me was a small room that appeared as if it had not been used in ages. well trying to catch my breath, I smile at Jordan.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You 'owe' me one."

"So what happened? Do you really not remember who I am?"


"Hmm... It seems like today's not your lucky day."

"But seeing that you know my name, I can guess that you knew me before I lost my memories?"

"Yeah, I know you very well."

"I know all of your dirty little secrets."

(A) Think that it's a joke.

(B) Asking if he was my boyfriend.

(C) Get angry at him for teasing me

Castle Break PrologueWhere stories live. Discover now