Chapter 1

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We were rushing down the street after the informant that gave us wrong info. We also found out he was our target the whole time how could I be so stupid.
We cornered him and we all activated our fairies.
"Stand down." I say and he looked at me.
"Oh I am sorry princess but I have other plans." He activates his fairy.
"Dark Shadow." I say however in the end he got away. We were getting ready to search when i get a call.
"We are going home." I say and they smile at me. It is a 4 day train ride so this is going to be fun with the fact we lost our bikes Nine isn't going to like this.
"So you and Free are you on or off?" Peter says as Duncan went to get drinks.
"We have gone for 7 months. I think we are off." I say and Marie started to laugh.
"You know the minute we get back he is going to kiss you. Unless you two fought before we left." Marie says.
"No they had the cute goodbye remember." Duncan says messing with my hair.
"We will see." I say.
Serges pov. 4 days later
"What did you do this time? We are being called to the directors office." Karla says.
"Hey Chase is coming too. I didnt do anything this time." I say and we walked in.
"Hello. As you know we are in need of some backup with everything that is happening so I made a call. However they do not have their bikes. Since they know how to give me more of a heart attack than anyone else here."
"Oh please tell me you called them back. I miss my drinking buddies." I say thinking and hoping Marie is coming back.
"If it is Ashlynn, Free is going to really hate taking that mission." Chase says.
"Yes it is Ashlynn, Duncan, Marie, and Peter. Now go they will be at the station at any minute and you know they will start walking if you are not there." Director says and we salute leaving. Well running to the bikes. We rush there and we see them waiting.
"I swear took you long enough." Duncan says patting Chase on the back.
"What no Free?" Marie says hugging me.
"He is on a mission with Marlya. He will be back tomorrow."
"This Marlya girl she cute?" Duncan says.
"She is very very cute." I say and Karla hits me.
"Peter you are being pretty quiet." Chase says.
"Wanted to see how long it took for Marie to tell you before I did. Me and her started dating." Peter says and I start laughing.
Ashlynn pov.
"Hey Ash you ready to go home." Duncan says.
"Have to go see the boss. Chase can you give me a ride back "  he nods and we went back.
"Are you going to talk about what's bothering you?" Chase says.
"Serge says she is cute. He probably doesnt even remember that we have he prefers her anyways not an on/off thing." I say putting my head down.
"She isn't you. He doesn't love her like he does you." I smile at him and i go into her office unannounced and see Free and who i am guessing is Marlya.
"Youre back." Free says smirking.
"Yeah i just got back." I say looking into his eyes.
"Sorry you have to see this." He says to Marlya moving up to me and kissed me.
"I missed you." I say and he smiles.
"Will the two of you leave I need to talk to Ashlynn?" Director says.
They left and I look at her.
"You need to break out the fairy weapon."
"Its that bad??" I asked
"Its worst than you can imagine. But more on that tomorrow. You go be with him I know you missed him more than me." I salute and ran after him but run into him as we was waiting for me.
"Ouch thought i was going to leave without you?" He says.
"Thought you liked your new partner."
"But why when what we have is so much fun."
"Yeah yeah yeah. Looking great there. Run into wolfram or something." I say looking at how beat up he was. 
"Nah just someone with a fairy weapon. Hows old Dark Shadow doing."
"He is not old. And could still beat red in a fight." I say laughing.
"Man did i miss you."
"It was 7 months and I didnt even finish my mission." I say and see he broke out his fairy weapon already.
"So my place or yours. We have 7 months to make up for." He says kissing me agaim.
"Your is closer but i need to get my fairy weapon from my place tomorrow morning so mine please." I say and he carries me to my house.
Meanwhile Duncans pov.
"Oh hey Marlya your back early." Serge says. Meaning Free was back and those two will be having fun all night.
"Yeah we had a complication so we came home early. Free is pretty happy about that. I met that Ashlynn girl you guys talk about all the time." She says. Wow was she cute with her hair and pretty eyes.
"We would have warned you more if i knew she was coming back. Oh you should meet the rest of the kick butt squad. This is Peter, Marie, and Duncan. So you know Duncan is the only one who is single."
"Thanks for pointing that out Robert." I say pushing my glasses up.
"Hi i am Marlya. It is nice to meet you."
"Marlya you should see these weirdos in action their fairies are awesome." Serge says taking another shot.
"Meh its mostly Dark Shadow and Smoke now that they have this crazy combo." Marie says and i smile.
"Wait what?? A fairy combo can that exist."
"We didn't know it could happen until I grabbed her hand to help her up and our fairies were activated and we'll we may have paralyzed a man." I says and Karla looks at me.
"What no way. How I mean..."
"We have been partners since her dad died and she took his place in the war. Wait till you actual meet her Marlya. And I wouldn't mind switching free some times to spend some time with you." I say blushing.
"Man Marlya you have changed this man in no time. He has never once blushed at a girl started to think he like  guys."
"Oh shut up Chase." We all went home and got some sleep since we knew the real stuff starts tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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