Chapter 2

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He was talking with Miss Emma I heard "do you ever feed her?! She looks like she's starved!" I hear the man yell " she doesn't eat the food we give her cause she's a vegetarian. She thinks she special" I hear Miss Emma say "well I'm adopting her because you can't take good care of her" I hear the man say. My eyes lit up with joy. I run over to Martin "I think I'm getting adopted!" I tell him. He just hugs me "good you deserve to get out of here, you've been abused, raped, and been fed drugs! Even worse you've been to rehab..." Martin tells me "rehab isn't as bad as you think oh uhm I gotta go Miss Emma called me I'll miss you. I hope you get adopted soon!" I tell him. He waves back. I'll miss him, he was actually nice to me....

I look at the black haired man and smile "th..thanks for adopting me uhm I only have 4 outfits be back in a second" I run up the stairs to mine and Martins room I grab my outfits and my journal. I look in the bathroom and see my pocket knife I walk over and but it in my pocket "don't tell a soul" I whispered. I walk down the stairs to my new dad and wave.
"Hi my name is Billie what's yours?" Billie asks "it's Sailor, not Hannah like miss Bellcon says" I tell him "Sailor is a nice name, follow me" he says while gesturing to go out the door "I'm finally out of that hell hole"I say to myself

I get in the mans car and buckle my seatbelt. He gets in on the other side and starts the car. "Is there anything I need to know about you" Billie asks "well, I'm Female obviously, my hair is naturally white, I'm bisexual, and I've been to rehab from drugs being forced down my throat by my stepmother" I tell him "I'm also vegetarian" I say shortly after "ok nice to know. I'll tell Adrienne that, I just hope she dosent kill me for adopting you" he laughs

A/N sorry I suck at writing uhm I'm German so I don't speak right if that makes sense anyways have a nice day or night

Bye idiots!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2019 ⏰

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