hidan & kakazu - V

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okay but can we take a minute to look at these fine assessss and this chapters a surprise 🤡

okay but can we take a minute to look at these fine assessss and this chapters a surprise 🤡

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kakazu looking fineeee, sorry lmao i'm a fucking whore for kakazu . but let's get on with this

kakazu picked me up bridal style, carrying me to the room that him and hidan shared. he set me down on the edge of the his bed, i gave him a questioning look. "why did you want me?" i asked politely cause kakazu did scare me but he was a cutie pie. a mysterious one.

"cause your a mysterious person to be around, i dont hear much from you. and yo youre quiet. unlike hidan here."

he rolled his eyes and hidan flipped him off. he took off his mask, you analyzed his jawline, "so sharp" you thought to yourself. my eyes read, "eat me up like apple pies."

he caught me staring, "uhh reyi?" he asked.
i zoned back into reality, "huh?" i questioned.
just checking on you.
he locked the door which made me just a bit uncomfortable. then he pulled out what seemed to be grams of weed?
"is that what he spends his money on, drugs?" i asked myself. "time to get this party started!" hidan yelled.
"shhh!" kakazu spat.

he rolled a blunt and gave it to you, (sorry if you don't like smoking, but i figured this would be like kinda cool for kakazu and that's why he's always quiet.)

"uhh, i- i kinda never smoked before?" you said, kakazu had a smirk on his face.
he helped you hit the blunt, you started coughing
after a few hits, you felt dizzy. like you were in another world.

"it's happeninggggg" you heard hidan exclaim, but were too zoned out to care.

you tried to hold a normal conversation with kakazu and hidan but kept laughing most of the time.
"first time smokers" kakazu mumbled.
you hit the blunt multiple times, kakazu had a party size bag of chips. that you ate in like 2.5 seconds.

everything felt so weird, you looked at yourself in the mirror for atleast 10 minutes. examining every part of your body. focusing on your fingers, looking at the prints.

kakazu hugged you from behind, "wait if i did this would leader sama be mad?" you asked yourself internally.
"he let me go with him." you said internally.

kakazu was kissing your neck, giving you a few hickeys as he slid his hand down your v cut shirt. he pulled your bra up, fondling your breasts. you moaned as he played with your erected nipples.

"threesome, c'mon kakazu! you can't keep good snatch from me!" hidan yelled . you giggled at what he said.
being high still made you capable of knowing what your doing, but everything felt so right and good in the moment.

hidan helped you take off your shirt and pants, putting you down on the bed.
you were on top of kakazu, while hidan was slapping your ass multiple which kakazu had to yell at him for it.

"cmon kakazu i'm having a moment here!" hidan yelled back, you giggled.

kakazu entered his large member inside of you, causing you to moan out loud.
hidan asked you if you've ever tried anal.

"uhh no?" was your reply.
kakazu started thrusting harder, distracting you so hidan could enter his large sized manhood into you.
you bit your lip, holding back your moans. but yelped in pain and pleasure when hidan got inside of you.

kakazu ran his fingers through your hair, trying to get you through the pain. he looked deeply in your eyes, examining how beautiful you were.

kakazu and hidan both started thrusting in you, hidan pulled your hair back while kakazu had his hands on your lower back.

you reached your limits and came, so did kakazu and hidan.... but in your mouth.

you dressed in some shorts, took some blunts. and went to your room. first time sleeping in it . and immediately fell asleep.

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