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Wood country was wet , having huge dense forest and thousands of species of plants and animals , the country got its money from selling medical erbs and the local village raise cattle and hunt game and sell the fur and meets to other countries .

The country itself had no main hidden village only the army of the damiyo that only guarded the capital .

A lot of the villagers looked towards Konoha and suna for missions so it was not un common  to see a team or two within the lands .

The damiyo was a man by the name of Toshizou hijikata, he was a bad man everyone knew it , he extorted people , stole from people gotten people killed , all for greed .

He was the reason for so many orphans , he was the reason the three brothers have banded together .

The oldest of the three naruto was 8 years old , he was skinny mal-nourished ,his hair was very dirty they haven't showered in weeks , he wore tattered clothes and had no shoes. He looked to the right , and noticed his youngest brother armin was crying , he was hungry .

Armin was 5 years old , he was the baby he depended on his older brothers for everything he loved them both dearly .

It had been almost two days since they ate , naruto knew he needed to get them some food atleast .  He stood up and looked to the brother closest age natsu he had a unique shade of red hair and a fiery temper , a little brash but he had a pure heart and would do anything for his two brothers .

" I'm going to get some food" he stated and looked out of the tent they had been using as a home for months . " natsu take armin into the forest and look for you guys some berries to eat , come back in a hour if your not hear before I am your in trouble ." He stated as he prepared for his journey through the woods .

"You can count on me naruto -nii" he said with a serious face he would do his part and find more then enough berries to feed them all .

"I know" he said and he started walking


The woods in wood country were enormous, the trees stretched up for miles , and the wooded area itself was the size of roughly konoha maybe larger .

Naruto was somewhat of a lost child , he didn't know if he had any goals outside of his brothers , yet that was all he needed to keep pushing to keep surviving.

He made it to his Destination The village of Sazan Kurosu or southern cross village . It was one of the four great villages of the country and it's only port town , the village was guarded by the damiyo's men the Uddonaito or wood knights , they where samurai who utilize chakra , they where highly skilled and dangerous .

The town had one main entrance which was guarded by a team of samurai at all times . Luckily naruto knew how to get in a back way .

The feilds the villagers cultivated was on the opposite side of village so they had there own entrance which naruto learned to exploit .

He slipped in undetected and made his way towards the market district , he had done this a couple times before , he would walk up quietly to an unsuspecting villager and pickpocketed them he had never been cought . He would then go get the three of them something to eat with the money he stole and split the rest between them .

As he walked he surveyed who looked easiest to get he saw a tanned skin man in regular clothes casually walking And decided his target, he followed the man for ten minutes until he finally reached and his hand was cought .

The man gripped his hand hard and looked him in the eyes " what exactly are you doing young man"

Naruto looked back a little surprised but uncaring he had people depending on him .

Village hidden in the woods Where stories live. Discover now