Character Profiles

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Survivor Profile's

Tribe Mele

Name: Mabel Geyer

Age: 22

Current Residence: California

Occupation: Beautician

Hobbies: Giving Makeovers, Shopping and Hanging out with my Sister.

Pet Peeves: People with no fashion sense, bad extensions and excessive nose hair.

Physical Features: 5"6, long blonde hair, blue eyes and tanned skin. Petite physic

3 Words to Describe You: Pretty, Insightful and Honest.

3 things you'd bring onto the island if you could: My hair straightener, An endless supply of bagels and my vogue magazine collection.

Reason for being on SURVIVOR: The money, what else?

Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I am a very social person and have a wide range of friends, I don't discriminate and I think that my openness will get me far.

Name: Dale West

Age: 46

Current Residence: Texas

Occupation: Ranch Owner

Hobbies: Spending time with my family, bull riding and running horseback riding tours.

Pet Peeves: Cockiness, Uncalled for rudeness and people who don't help out.

Physical features: 6"0, brown hair with a full grown mustache and beard. Brown eyes and a beer gut.

3 Words to Describe You: Driven, a gentle giant and kind-hearted.

3 things you'd bring onto the island: A picture of my family, a board game and soap.

Reason for being on SURVIVOR: My son has autism and the cost for his care is quite financially stressful so to have this money would be an amazing opportunity for our family.

Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: I'm driven and have experience instructing people so I think I'll be very valuable in challenges. I also believe I am very down to earth and hopefully that will appeal to people who want to make long term alliances.

Name: Cresandra Meyer

Age: 27

Current Residence: South Carolina

Occupation: Mental Health Nurse

Hobbies: Making Hair tutorials, playing guitar and taking care of my nephew

Pet Peeves: Ignorance

Physical Features: 5"8, Brown shoulder length hair, green eyes and pale skin. Average physic

3 Words to Describe You: Caring, Determined and Strong (mentally and physically)

3 things you'd bring onto the island: My guitar, probably a supply of hair bands and my iPod.

Reason for being on SURVIVOR: Sometimes my job gets quite intense and survivor is and opportunity to get away from that for a small time, and the money would be amazing.

Why you think you will be the sole SURVIVOR: In my career you have to be patient, assertive and caring all at the same time and I have a lot of experience with dealing with people. A big part of my job is being stern but nice at the same time and I believe this will help me in the social aspect.

Name: Benjamin Stevens

Age: 23

Current Residence: California

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