Welcome to Survivor

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The sunrise creeps over the horizon casting and orange glow over the crystal clear ocean. It illuminates the small island and reveals the two speed boats rushing towards it. Jeff Probst stands at the edge of the jetty, waiting for the contestants to join him. Behind him is a large jungle gym of containers and other items sprawled around or tied to it.

As the boats pull into the jetty, Jeff grabs the two large flag poles behind him, passing them to the first people to pile out of the boats. Nick grabs the red flag for Iririki and leads the way to the mat with his tribe which Jeff directs them too. Lian grabs the orange flag for Mele, she strides ahead in front of her other team members and a few of them cast concerned looks at eachother. She clearly has a self-important mindset and it is already showing through her lack of patience.

"Welcome to Survivor Vanuatu, 16 survivors and only one of you will be the sole survivor," Jeff said as he made his way down the jetty to join the contestants.

"You already know which tribes your in and you'll have a chance to get to know your tribemates soon," he said approaching the jungle gym he turns.

"But first, I'm going to give you ninety seconds to try and collect as much off this jungle gym as you can, anything you get on your mat in that time will be coming back to camp with you," he said, a collective excited chatter broke out.

"Your time starts," he said, pausing so the contestants could get ready to run, "Now."

Wes ran forward and climbed straight to the top, close behind him was Colby and Sierra from . Benjamin, Cresandra and Mabel all ran to the bottom and started uniting whatever they could get their hands on. Mele seemed to have a solid statergy with this having most people untying but leaving Dale and Alyssa to pile everything up on their mat.

Iririki showed less unity, grabbing things themselves and putting it on the mat themselves, although it was a more independent strategy they seemed to have more stuff piled on their mat.

In what seemed like no time at all Jeff raised his hand and yelled, "That's time."

All the castaways let out a sigh and came back to their mats to look at what they'd collected.

"Rhea, how do you think your team went just then?" Jeff asked, Rhea took a moment to look around at all their stuff and then flicked back her hair.

"Well clearly we've done pretty well," she said with a laugh.

Most of her tribe nodded.

"Well Iririki, here's your map, good luck out here and I'll see you at the first challenge tomorrow." Jeff said, handing the map to Xavier.

"Mele, here's yours,although you were working as a team, your speed wasn't quite there," he said, handing a map to Lian as the tribe looked at their lesser pile.

Mele Tribe

Lian's P.O.V

Our tribe is made up of people who think they are better than they are, for example Mabel is only carrying the flag while the rest of are carrying the heavy supplies. I cannot stand people not putting in work, especially someone as young as her. I took the map because I'm clearly most suited to being the leader, I can already tell this is a strategic tribe. It was evident in the way we all went about the first mini challenge. Strategising has already started and I need to pick out an alliance soon to be ahead of everyone.

I look over my shoulder to see Wes and Jackson chatting, both are athletic and young and could be valuable or dangerous in an alliance.

Cresandra and Dale seem to be getting along as Cresandra tips her head back and laughs loudly at something he said. Both seem like nice but slightly naive people. Maybe nice is what would be useful, loyalty could be more valuable than physical strength.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2014 ⏰

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