She's a Major City Girl - He's a Pure Country Boy. Who Knew? - PART 2 -

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Ok, thanks for reading first off. Second, I know it's not that

interesting yet, but I wan to not rush straight into a plot, but give

it time to develop. But trust me, it WILL get better! Thirdly, I love

love love LOVE comments, so please do so. Fourthly, please vote and

reccommed me to your friends if you feel my story is worthy. Fifthly

(is that spelled right?) I'd love if some of y'all would become my fans.

Thanx alot, and enjoy!


Essie woke to the smell of pancakes. Which was strange, because Aunt

Kate couldn't boil water. She rolled out of bed, but when her

manicured toes hit the white carpet, the bad memories of the night

before came rushing back to her.

And the hangover. It came back too, headaches, blurred vision and all.

She looked at her bedside clock, the green numbers gently pulsing. It

was just about six in the morning.

Essie dragged herself to the bathroom and splashed her face with cool

water to rinse the sleep out of her eyes. Then she went into her

closet and pulled out the last outfit she'd put together. It consisted

of a white minidress, paired with white Miu Miu platform satin heels,

and bulky gold earrings and necklace chains.

"Essie! Get down here now! I know you're up!" Kate's voice echoed.

Essie rolled her eyes, but she didn't rebel against her aunt.

Afterall, it was Kate's decision when she was allowed back home.

"Mornin'" Uncle Norman greeted her as she entered the family room. A

plate of pancakes was laid on the table.

"What are you still doing here?" Essie asked, peering around

suspiciously. "Shouldnt you be at work?"

Norman smiled. "Well, I didn't want you to be sent away on an empty

stomach." he smiled and ruffled Essie's hair like he used to do when

she was small.

Even though he had said it warmly, Essie's heart still sunk in her

chest because it meant that her aunt and uncle hadn't changed their

minds. She sat down on a wicker chair, and put a pancake on her plate.

It had been SUCH a long time since she'd last had a syrupy pancake.

"Coffee, honey?" Norman asked.


Norman reached for the coffee pot, but was interupted by the door to

the kitchen swinging open. Kate entered, in a blue dress, with her

customary buttered English Muffin.

"She's being punished, Norman. Don't do her favors. Let her get her

own damn coffee. You shouldn't even had made her breakfast like it was

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