Chapter 18

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Yoongi POV

"Baby, are you sure you're up to going in today?" Hobi asks gently, effectively stopping me before I can walk out the door. I frown as I turn my head back to look at him.

"I have work I need to get done, Hobi. I have to go in. I'll be okay." I tell him quietly, not entirely confident in my last statement but choosing to ignore that small fact. He and Tae both give disapproving looks at this, clearly not buying it either.

"Yoongi, I really don't think it's a good idea." Tae says softly. I sigh at this, not in the mood for arguing at the moment.

"Look, I'm going into work. I don't need anyone there thinking I'm slacking or anything of the sort. I'm gonna have to get over him eventually anyways, considering he's getting married soon." I respond before exiting the house.

Beginning to make the walk to work, I stuff my hands in my pockets.

I'm definitely not okay. I still can't stop thinking about yesterday and seeing Joon like that again. I never thought I'd get the chance to talk to him again, but I also never expected to tell him the things I did yesterday in that kind of conversation. I don't even really know why he wanted to know all of those things or why he cares anymore considering he's getting married soon and it's not like it's me he's getting married to.

Sighing, I shake my head at myself as I soon near the building. I won't do myself any good by continuing to think about the matter. He's not mine to worry about anymore unfortunately. He hasn't been for nearly seven months now. I'm gonna have to accept that fact at some point.

When I finally reach my office, a tiny smile forms on my lips. At least I'll be able to drown myself in my music soon.


I purse my lips as I squeeze my eyes shut, letting my head fall a bit at the sound of his voice. Why the hell can't he just let me be now?

"Please, I need to talk to you."

I puff my cheeks out at the sound of desperation in his voice, not entirely understanding it but not bothering to question it. I don't care to sit in his room to talk though, needing the comforts of my own room as I open the door and hold it. I don't bother looking behind me once, but soon hear his door fall shut before mine is being pushed open further from behind me. I take it as my cue to move again and I move to sit down in my chair once more.

"Now what you want, Joon?" I question quietly, not bothering to withhold the tiny pout on my lips as I look up at him. I'm surprised to find tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes, though I don't comment on it. It's not like I haven't been in similar positions with Hobi and Tae plenty of times before.

"Yoongi, I'm so sorry. I'm so fucking sorry. I never knew and I never thought to ask. I never should've left you. I never should've assumed anything. I should've just asked you, I should've talked it all out with you instead of thinking I knew what was going on. I'm so fucking sorry, Yoongi. Please. Please, Yoongi, please forgive me. Please, let me fix this. Let me fix us." Namjoon says, breaking down and crying for what probably isn't the first time now. Though, I'm a little too stunned by his words to be able to react to his crying.

I can feel my own tears beginning to form, my chest tightening as well. He looks so fucking sad just sitting on the couch in front of me and crying, looking up at me with parted lips and waiting for some sort of response.

"I-I... Joon, what are you talking about? You're getting married soon. We-we... Nothing can happen between us. I'm not the one you're marrying." I manage to sputter out as my own tears begin to fall. My heart breaks though as panic seems to fill his face, his tears falling faster.

"No, please. Yoongi, I'll leave Jin. I'll call the wedding off. I only ever wanted to marry you not him. Not anyone. I wanted to propose but backed out that last month leading up to our anniversary. I-I should've talked to you, Yoongi. Please, I'm so fucking sorry. I would take it all back if I could. Baby, please." Namjoon cries out.

My heart clenches at being called 'baby' again by him, something I've longed for from the moment he left. I never thought I'd be put into this kind of position with it though.

"Joonie, you're getting married a week and a half from now. You couldn't even trust me back then. Why are you suddenly so willing to call off the wedding with Jin, someone you seem to have been happy with for quite some time now, over someone who you couldn't trust enough to believe that I'd never cheat on you?"

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