Charter 5 - May

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Reflection for the month:- 'Be an example to others'

Have you ever wondered how society has changed? You might ask, how come society has changed so much? Does real 'Love' still exist?

Every person is part of society. Every person in different ways influences society. So what can we do to see a better society? Can real 'Love' be the foundation of society?

All we can do is set a good example to others. We are to love the people we meet during the day, through the love of Christ. Christ is the treasure we are to give to others. When we truly 'Love' the other person, we will be giving him Christ. Society is waiting for Christ!

So, how can we be a good example to others? By helping our colleagues at the workplace. By spending quality time with our children and family. By helping our parish priest to be able to reach out to the parishioners. By sharing the love of God to the young generation. By being a messenger of peace through His love.

Of course, there are more ways how we can be an example to others to change society for the better. If only we were to stop and listen to His voice, and let Him show us what to do! If only we made more time to listen to Him! If only we were to do what He asks us to do!

Let us be an example to others... and give Christ to the people.

Daily prayer for the month:-

Day 1 ⸗ Dear Jesus, be with me today so I will be able to love more the people I meet at work.

Day 2 ⸗ Father, I bring to you todays' society in my country; I pray for your help to overcome the various difficult situations today's society is in.

Day 3 ⸗ Lord Jesus, I pray for families to be strong in their faith and share your love and care in today's society.

Day 4 ⸗ Merciful Father, I pray for all those people imprisoned in today's society of consumerism; give them your light to understand how to love their neighbour.

Day 5 ⸗ Lord, I pray for all those who have chosen to follow you, that they may be the instruments in Gods' hands to change society.

Day 6 ⸗ Holy Spirit, give wisdom to all people of goodwill, that they may know how to put into practice charity and justice in today's society, thus bringing your peace in the world.

Day 7 ⸗ Lord, you are our 'Treasure'; give us the courage to open up the treasure of your love to those we meet today, so that they too may follow you in their life.

Day 8 ⸗ Dear Lord, make me an instrument to share your love with the people I meet during this day.

Day 9 ⸗ Father give me the patience I need to spend more time in prayer so that I can become spiritually stronger and have more courage to share the Good News.

Day 10 ⸗ Thank you Lord for the many occasions you give me at my workplace during the day to speak about how much you care for us.

Day 11 ⸗ Lord I pray for those people who do not want to know about you. Lord provide them with opportunities in their lives that they may recognise your love for them.

Day 12 ⸗ Father I bring to you my children, give them your peace, your love, that they may give their lives to you.

Day 13 ⸗ Give me the strength, Lord, that I may help my neighbour in his needs and be there for them to help them increase their faith.

Day 14 ⸗ Dear Lord, help me to be Jesus to others, to be you for the people I meet every day, and to give them your love and mercy.

Day 15 ⸗ Father help me to share the treasure of your love with my family and friends.

Day 16 ⸗ During this day, Lord, I pray that you give me spiritual strength that through my good deeds I may be a witness of your love to others.

Day 17 ⸗ Lord, as I am in your presence, show me how to love my family, how to be a witness of my faith to my neighbours.

Day 18 ⸗ Jesus, as you always loved the little children, bless me today so that I may be a good parent to my children.

Day 19 ⸗ Lord, bless my work in the parish and strengthen me to continue to do your will by sharing your love in my village.

Day 20 ⸗ During this day, dear Lord, show me how to be closer to the people you present to me today, to be a witness to them about your salvation.

Day 21 ⸗ I thank you Jesus, for the many times you have spoken to me and showed me how to help my neighbour and to be a witness of your love.

Day 22 ⸗ Teach me Lord, how to love more, how to be your disciple and share the Gospel in today's society.

Day 23 ⸗ Lord, you are the treasure of my life, I pray that other people may come to know you and adore you.

Day 24 ⸗ Father in heaven, teach me to be patient, to know how to comfort people, to be close to my neighbour. Give me your grace to share with my neighbour about your love.

Day 25 ⸗ Lord I come to you today, and bring to you today's society, the need that people know more what the word 'love' really means... the Love of your Father that you came to teach us about.

Day 26 ⸗ Help me Lord during this day, to be a better person, to reach out more to the needs of the people and to be of a good example in today's society.

Day 27 ⸗ Jesus, have mercy on the youth who do not follow you, who stray away from your love; help them to recognise you even in the midst of today's society, and give them the grace to choose to follow you.

Day 28 ⸗ Be with me Lord, as I reach out to my neighbour, to give them your love, your comfort, your peace and your joy.

Day 29 ⸗ Father give me the courage to talk about peace at my workplace, to share your love with my family and to bring hope to the people who have given up in life.

Day 30 ⸗ Strengthen my faith Lord, help me to know you more, that I may be able to love my neighbour even when it is hard.

Day 31 ⸗ Lord, fill me with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that I may be an instrument of your love.

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