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i was walking through the hot steaming sun in the dessert.  i thought to myself " why tf is it so hot during the winter?"  i should probaboy start heading east to hybernate like a damn bear. i do enjoy a snowy winter. the glistening white snow reminds me of my own sexy eyes. (hot) Though im not a fan of the holiday that comes along with my favotie season. all the annoying chrstmas songs with such joy annoys me. and this thing called santa. what a creep. he has elves. like wtf. hes practically a fan of slavery cuz he slave works all those damn elves. i bet theyre all black. but anyways i should probably start heading my way. thanks for letting my rant.

STANTA POV ( like south park lol ive never watche d it)

ive watched my naughty boy herobin ever since he formed from the deathps of hell ( his mother) and honestly hes pretty hot. like hell lol. but the way he talks, the way he walks, and the way he wipes his ass makes me shoot out santa goop. though.. there is one problem. he seems to despise me and my holiday. it hurts but when i watch him in my ipad 360 i just remember the day i fell in love with his baby ass. 


ive started my journey towards the east near the mountains. i can feel a gentle breeze upon my neck as if its someones pressence around (or i could just be getting colder cuz he retarted) but i just ignore it. i debate with myself on weather or not i should visit my mother along the way. but i decide nope. i hate her. shes never accepted the fact that i like rock hard d. but you know yolo. it starts to get dark and i wonder on where im going to stay or if i should keep hiking with all these mobs around. luckily i come across a village! so i kill a villager thats taking up a bed and rest in peacfully for the rest of the night.


i watch as my love heads towards the cold. i see him shiver having a chill on his back. it turns something weird in me that realeses my santa goop. " OHH HOE HOE" i say to myself. suddenly it just came out. but thats okay. ill go take a shower. " oh? whats this?" i say. i watch as my love brutally murders an innocent man.  " wow. the man ive truelly fallen for is the sexiest man alive"

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