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I hit the floor as I black out hearing a muffled scream I yawn as I slowly wake up in a tub of water i blink my vision blurry and the water blood stained I see someone hovering over me as my blurry vision comes into view it was Allison I look up not knowing where I was not being to remember nore comprehend what I just did to those two people she squeezes a wash cloth over my head "wake up sleepy head" I feel warm water run down my face as I say in a raspy muffled and tired voice "what happened" I try to lift my arm up but I felt to week to move I look down at the water "why am I naked...who undressed me" she hushes me as she scrubs the dried blood off my body "it doesn't matter dear" she turns on some music "alexa play south of the border by Ed Sheeran" she bobs her head as she continues to clean the blood up me to weak to say anything I slowly close my eyes and fall back asleep and the music I start to blink slowly blinking and seeing the ground spinning and floating as if I was in a rotisserie I feel tears run down my face as im slowly floating as if I was being carried and spinning I start to get flash backs of what happened (hostage by billie eilish)of all the blood and all the pain I caused the blood I had on my hands I start to spin faster and the floating begins to wobble I feel my body clench of all my ligaments in my arms and legs up and down my spine get tighter as if I was cringing but terribly worse as if a huge hand was pressing me into a ball and I got smaller and smaller feeling this tightness getting worse more tense almost like walls were closing in I feel all my nerves fade and dissipate I get slammed through a wall by nothing like I was thrown the wall smashes to bits but I don't have a bruise or scratch on my body I try to move but I cant tears streaming down m face I fly through the final wall and feel everything stop my heart , the tears, time, and then I collapse trying to reach to grab something to even have a chance but nothing works I watch as I slowly but strongly hit the floor ai stop s soon as I do I wake up in my room dressed I catch my breath as I close and I open my eyes I start to ball in my cuffed hands thinking this was some sort of torture for what I did to hazel and cha-cha I feel the core of my stomach sink in as I curl up into a ball on my bed and cry luther storms in "WILL YOU SHUT UP AND GROW A PAOR JESUS ALL YOU DO IS CRY AND CRY AND CRY EXPECTING SOMEONE TO FEEL BAD FOE YOU DO YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABPUT YOU AND YOURE NON-STOP TEARS" I feel an ache everywhere as I think and then stand "how you feel-HOW YOU FEEL" I grab his hand and place it on the side of my head his hand starts to glow as his veins are visible his hand glows yellow making his hand translucent I glare at him staring deeply into his eyes him still taller then me "wh-WH-what are you" he says as his heart starts to race his pupils and entire eye ball goes white as I make him see what I had done to cha-cha and hazel the horror I felt before he came in what I just endured you can hear him trying to catch his breath you can hear his heart rate becoming faster you can see the fear in his eyes even if the color is gone I remove his hand as he catches his breath the colors in his eyes return as he looks at my emotionless face "we need to go now get the car ready" he looks at me in shock "steven what did you-how did you-when did you" I glare at him "I said NOW" his body turns into a swirl as he gets teleported to the car I quickly write a note explaining what happened to me and luther where we went I run down to the training room I stop seeing vanya waiting in front of the weapons I stutter the letter "I" as she nods and throws me a bow staff "you were always good with this one" she says with a smile saying that I didn't need to explain I smile as I look down and catch it seeing my name on it with a nine next to it "go bust ssome knee caps steven" I nod and run to the car I hop in and hit the top telling luther to drive off a long silent ride till we got to our destination "ill be back in" I close my eyes "sixteen minutes if im a minute later im dead" his eyes widen as he looks at me "wh-" I cut him off "if im not here in sixteen minutes take dean and leave she'll be there" he looks at me "nine I ca-" "if im not back leave luther promise me you will leave with her" I clench my staff he sighs and lays a tight grip on the steering wheel "fine" he says as I look at him "thank you" I fost bump him as hostage stops playing I turn away from the car as I put in ear buds and play fill the void by alli fits and start to walk into the factory I clench my staff as the loud doors creek open and the lights slowly flicker on to show where dean is xena steps in front of her Nicholas right next to her "well look whos here" she says as she snaps her fingers and around fifteen guards come out Nicholas looks at me "GET HIM" I look at them all as I smile and crack my knuckles and run at them I use my staff to propel to jump kick the first guard I round house kick the second one one grabs me from behind and the rest swarm around me I take a deep inhale as I look at them I use my legs to grab the staff and wack the guard from behind the head leaving him unconscious I run and punch one as another hits my spine I take the hit as I use my staff to hit him into the other one I run up the wall and drop kick a guard they all start to throw punches as I use my staff finally one punches me in the face I snap my jaw back in place I take my staff and swing it sending the guards flying three gang up on me pulling me and throwing punches I kick one as he grabs my leg I hang onto the other one with my staff and spin causing them to flip and snap there necks one throws a trash lid at me I duck and run "oh come one" I run and throw my staff it landing upright I latch onto it and spin in a circular motion kicking guards out I let go landing on ones chest I back flip off him and grab onto another guard by the shoulders and flipping him a guard swings at me as I catch his arm and kick him on the side of his head another swings as I use the guard I just took out as a shield I slide under the both of them as I kick the one awake in the back making them both fall I run and jump on a guards back snapping his neck "HOW ARE THERE ONLY NINE LEFT" xena yells as I hold my my arm out like thor and my staff flys into my hand I slam it down on the ground and yell as lighting strikes three of the guards frying them the other three attack me as I grab ones arm and flip him I jump off him and kick the other in the neck I super jump off the last on my legs landing on his shoulders first I grab his chin and try to rip his head off he tries to grab me as I poke him in the eyes I swing my body to the left as he falls I land on my hands flipping him into the big shelf knocking them all down I glare at Nicholas as the biggest guard runs at me I wipe my bloody nose as the guard runs at me "bring it" I summon my sword as I run to him and crack him in the head with it he barely pays mind to it he bum rushes me into the wall as I drop the staff and feel a chill down my spine I elbow him in the shoulders as I feel my feet touch the ground I start to knee him in the stomach as you can see the rage on my face I start to punch him in the stomach as I try to pick him up it doesn't work because he applies wait and he falls on me he picks me up by my throat with his overly sized hands my face starts to turn blue but not because I cant breath I open my mouth as cold smoke comes out of my mouth turning his hand slowly into ice I start to punch him in the face catching my breath I grab his elbow and lift it as fast as I can and shove it into his face it shatters everywhere and blood shoots out of where his hand was supposed to be some gets on my face as I spin him sideways the guard clenching his fist I jump his body on my shoulders and slam him head first into the ground blood flying everywhere my eyes now a bright red Nicholas runs at me I punch him in the face as he goes flying into the wall I snap my fingers as the lights go out nothing but my red eyes glowing xena for some reason she runs away I get closer to dean she closes her eyes scared I snap my fingers again "dean its just me" I look at a blood stained clock "we only have six minutes left" "wh-what do you mean six minutes" I hear a gun shot as time slowly stops I catch a bullet right before it hits dean "my love why would you try and shoot me" xena glares "drop dead dean twice" "WHOA BITCH THATS MY THING" I yell at her as I drop the bullet and push dean her being teleported to the back of luthers car "hes got four minutes before I leave" his eyes filled with despair "you have four minutes left now what do you want" she glares as she pulls a gun "your power wont stop this one nine" she shoots and I try to stop it but it doesn't work "wh-how did you" I run as she re-loads her gun I duck as she shoots right near my ear " come out comw out where ever you are" "YOU FUCKING PSYCHO" I yell as I run from behind a shelf "RUN AND DUCK RUN AND DUCK!!!" I yell in fear I turn around and before she shoots clap sending a huge sound wave causing her and everything else to fly to the back "HAH" I run to luthers car and hop in "DRIVE DRIVE AWAY NOW" he pulls off as I see xena escape holding Nicholas and teleport away I look a head and give sigh of releaf as luthers alarm flares

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