Chapter 4.

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As much as Bakugo wanted to be there when midoriya woke up in the dorm he was forced to go to class. After all he along with Uraraka and Todoroki had to act like normal until Aizawa bought Midoriya into the class at the end of the day, hopefully to tell the class he was the new student who passed his hero test. 

Aizawa was lucky enough into tricking midnight and All Might to cover his lessons why he sort out Midoryiya but that meant Bakugo, Uraraka and Todoroki had to keep everyone from wondering or figuring anything out.

Midoryiya woke up in the strange dorm room and panicked a little until he noticed a note from Bakugo. The note explained what was going to happen and what Midoriya needed to do today. He turned to see a green, white and red hero suit in a cast on the desk and picked it up to look at the design. It seemed Bakugo and Inko designed the outfit from all Midoriya drawings when he was a little boy. His hero name was Deku but he could change his name during the hero test if he wanted to go by something else. He could also change his hero costume after the test but needed to use that one for now. Midoriya couldn't help but smile as he looked around his normal room that seemed to be decorated a little and he let tears of joy as he looked to find his old photos on the walls and his old books on a self. 

He got dressed in his hero suit with a grin before walking out and meeting with Aizawa outside the dorm. Aizawa explained everything again and gave him more details about how is life would be from now on. He told Midoriya he could see him mum tonight but they had to get recognise into the school. He be fully signed into the school by the last class since it took a couple hours for the system to log students in and Aizawa set everything in that morning meaning he would be a full U.A student by last lesson. He explained how the box of books is everything he needs to learn from last year and he be given the week holding next week to learn the basics so he wont be puzzled during class. 



"stop tapping your foot and stop shaking" Bakugo growled as he could hear todoroki foot taping and see uraraka nervous shaking in the corner of his eye. 

"sorry just nervous ... what if he fails or the principle notice a sudden new student being added on" Uraraka mumbled.

"then we just figure something out but we need to stay calm and make sure no one looks into anything until last lesson since it be too late to change anything and Deku be a full student" Bakugo sighed.

"how are you so calm .. your be the one in most trouble for deleting his history as a villain" Todoroki grumbled.

"becuase I trust in Deku and I know he gonna make a great hero one day so I have no fear he pass but I do fear you two might blow this up" Bakugo hissed.

"right sorry ... we calm down and have hope" Uraraka weakly smiled.

"how are you holding up, we clearly been showing how panic we are but how are you" Todoroki asked with worry as Bakugo was keeping a strong face.

"I'm scared, I messed his life up and became a hero hoping to bring him home and now I'm bringing him home but what if he changed or cant forgive me for what I did .. I cant be proud of who I was" Bakugo frowned and the two turned to him shocked, they didnt expect him to be honest or be that honest to them. 

As they went to speak the class bell went of and they walked back to class, sitting in their normal seats and acting like they do every other day. Class started then end and just kept going until lunch came around. The three all felt their nerves spike up since Midoriya would be bought in at some point during last lesson and be a student at U.A. or he wont be bought to class meaning he failed and they have to undo his student name in the school system. All three was semi panicking as the last class started. All three couldn't focus on the work and either looked to the clock or class door just waiting. 

Then Aizawa walked in making time just stop. 

Bakugo took a deep breath as he tried to read his teacher but had no luck.

"class, I want to introduce a new student who couldn't start until now after an accident" Aizawa spoke and as the class started to gossip. Well Bakugo face planted his desk and let out a breath of relief while Uraraka and Todoroki turned to each other with grins at the news. 

"was he in the class all along" All Might asked puzzled as he didnt remember having another student.

"yes he was in a car accident after his first day here and only just been able to start school again, he passed his hero test meaning he a full hero like the other students so please treat him well and the same as everyone else" Aizawa sighed. 

"understood, wow I guess I just forgot about him after not really meeting him" All Might frowned and rubbed the back of his neck. The fourth of them did feel bad since All Might and the class felt guilty over forgetting someone in their class even if they did only come for one day last year. 

"please come in and introduce yourself" Aizawa called and Midoriya walked in with a grin wearing his U.A, uniform.

"nice to meet you all I'm Midoriya" Midoriya smiled and everyone gave small waves.

"welcome back to class Midoriya please take a seat behind Bakugo" Aizawa slightly smiled and pointed to the desk behind Bakugo. 

"lets get along" Midoriya grinned as he sat before Bakugo. 

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