Chapter 1

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Tony's head was pounding, and his feet ached as he took one step after another on the black pavement of the road.

Beside him his group walked in silence, their faces identical in their drawn weariness.

Around them, trees moved in the wind, and a few bugs called out to one another. Beyond that, it was silent.

They had been walking for months, going from one place to the next, trying to find food and water. They could never stay in one place long -- either there weren't enough supplies, or it wasn't safe. So they kept moving.

Right now, their problem was water. It hadn't rained in a long time, and creeks that normally ran with water were shallow mud pits. They had gotten water where they could, but they wouldn't last much longer on what they had. They needed a fresh source, and were hoping the next town over would provide that.

Suddenly, Clint, who was leading the pack, stopped and held up his fist. Everyone paused behind him. Clint locked eyes with Tony and nodded, and Tony immediately understood. He pulled his knife out from his belt and stepped forwards next to his friend.

"Where?" he said under his breath.

Clint replied just as quietly. "Heard it coming from up right. About two o'clock."

Tony listened, but he couldn't hear anything. Clint had the sharper senses of all of them, which was why he took the front. So sure enough, after another moment something appeared from the trees.

The figure was slouched and ragged, its skin hanging off in weird clumps, its hair tangled and matted. It shuffled forwards, a strange moan coming from its mouth. It used to be a man, and now it was nothing more than a monster. Tony fought back the revulsion he always felt. Somehow, he could never get used to seeing these things. The walkers.

Nevertheless, he stepped forwards, knife held out in front of him. The walker sensed him coming, and turned towards him, groaning, one arm outstretched. The other arm barely hung on by a ribbon of flesh.

Then, in only a few seconds, Tony had grabbed its shoulder, pushed it down, and shoved the knife straight into its skull. The walker collapsed by his feet. He looked around for more, but didn't see any.

When he looked to Clint, the man nodded his agreement. There was only one. For now, anyways. They gestured to the others, and the group moved forwards once more.


Pepper, Tony's wife, walked ahead of him. She was dragging her feet, her head hung down. Her bright hair spilled around her face. Tony had asked her to cut it -- it was safer that way. But she wouldn't let him. She saw it as a connection to who she had been, before everything, and Tony couldn't fault her for wanting to hang on to that.

As he watched, though, Pepper tripped over her feet and landed hard on her knees.

"Pepper!" Tony rushed forwards and knelt beside her, putting one steadying hand on her back. "Are you okay?"

She was shaking her head, and already pushing herself back up. "Fine. I'm fine, Tony."

Tony helped her to her feet, and looked her in the eyes. She looked bone tired, with dark shadows lining her usually bright eyes. Worry wormed its way through Tony's heart. "We can take a break," he said. "Rest for a bit. How's that sound?"

"It's okay," she replied. "I'm fine."

"No, we could all use a break, couldn't we?" Tony glanced over at Rhodey, who was watching from a few feet away. " Couldn't we?"

Rhodey caught on, and said, "Oh, definitely. I'm due for a nap."

"See, Pep? We're all tired."

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