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"So you're on the way?"

"Yeah, I'm leaving right now. I'll see you soon."

"I'm looking forward to it. I love you Harry."

"I love you too." He answered, hanging up.

Harry was so far from leaving but, his mother didn't need to know that.

There was a lot she didn't need to know.

Like how her phone call woke Harry from sleeping off a hangover.

He was still dressed in the suit he was wearing last night, one of his own designs.

At just twenty-four years old Harry had established himself as a successful fashion designer, and model.

He was busy rather often, attending fashion shows when he wasn't walking in them himself.

Flying out for photo shoots, going to party after party every weekend, and spending all the time he wanted in his design studio.

Harry was passionate about his work, and fully dedicated to it.

It never even felt like work to him.

But, no matter how successful he was Harry still made mistakes.

Like misplacing his car keys.

He was wandering around his penthouse apartment looking for them, stopping when he walked in front of a mirror.

"Fuck." He mumbled, trying to get his curls to lay in a more calm way.

His eyes looked so drained as well.

He realized he would benefit from washing his face, heading to the nearest bathroom.

To his surprise, there sat his keys on the bathroom counter.

He quickly washed his face, adjusting his suit and spraying himself with his second favorite cologne before scooping up his keys and leaving.

His top favorite was for parties, or a date if anyone would ever pay him any attention.

Normally Harry would've taken the time to shower and change his clothes but, he wasn't exactly dirty, plus he didn't want to be too late to his mothers.

He was supposed to be there for dinner, but based off of the time he could already tell he would be late.

Harry hadn't been to see his mother in about two months, and he felt pretty guilty about it.

Ever since Robin passed away, Harry did worry about his mother getting lonely but was always so caught up in his work he never visited anymore.

He always made sure to call, but he was glad to be seeing her in person again.

The lengthy drive was what Harry wasn't so glad about.

While he sat in his car trying to warm himself up and ignore his headache, his phone started ringing again.

This time, it was Niall.

The two had remained friends throughout their school years, regardless of one major falling out during their senior year.

Now that they were adults they were much closer, so much that Harry didn't know what he'd do without his best friend.

They went everywhere together, and Harry even had Niall model a few of his pieces at a show once.

I'll Find You [Zarry] part two Where stories live. Discover now