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"omg that's insane, maybe you guys could date one day" kelly replied "noooo think about it he has already debuted there's no way" i said "well i gotta get going i have to feed my dogs see you later will be back real quick!" kelly mouthed


*door bell rings*
"annyeonghaseo" again i looked up from playing my phone and saw- yea you guessed it MARK

"hey leader asked me to get him one ice americano since he tried mine and it was nice" mark told "er sure so one ice americano anything else?" i replied

he then passes me the cash after handing him the coffee "thanks" he said and walked back up the company

he seem pretty awkward, i started inserting the money back to its place and i saw a note he slit in the cash i closed the cashier and sat down on the floor and started to read what it said

"sorry for not giving you a proper thankyou for returning my wallet, but i'm free tonight how about we hang? call me and let me know ◡̈ xxx"

DID HE JUST- asK me oUt ? and gave me his NuMbEr ? no way-


hey guys so exams over !! will be doing more ffs!!

the love of my life : Mark TuanWhere stories live. Discover now