Looking for me pt 2

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Next Morning

Audrey POV

Today is Saturday Ahh finally the weekend I'm so happy the boys wanted to come to Disneyland they saw all their favorite characters Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse etc it was so cute I had my camera to take pictures of them my babies are growing on me

Michael POV

We had a meeting and John called in Audrey to discuss what I need some for tour and ideas

Audrey: ok give me twenty minutes have to drop the kids off

John: ok we'll be waiting

Audrey: well you guys well finish later mommy has to work

She promised them after work she will take the to Chuck E. Cheese...once she left their grandparents house she was off to the minute

20 minutes early

Audrey POV

I made it early to the meeting there's nobody in here I saw Michael talking to a women like flirting wow and I all of sudden jealous what the hell is going on my eye was Dropping that's when he noticed me but I didn't make eye contact

Audrey: Brought donuts

Everybody came running to get donuts and coffee cause it was going to be a long meeting

Audrey sat down and Watched everyone eat their food  ...once Michael walked in the meeting got started

Michael sat next to her and she got nervous but she had to remain calm and focused

He told her what he needed done for tour and she was paying attention which was a first to him mostly girls will check him out and he will get upset about it but she was paying attention

John: That is all

Audrey remover herself from the chair but Michael told her to stay for a minute ....Everyone will wait for him on the bus

He closed the curtains and locked the door Audrey suddenly getting curious then he came to sit back down

Michael: I'm not going to hurt you I just need a minute with you

Audrey: ok

Michael: it's going to take time for me to get used to you I have trust issue with many new people who are working for me so if I'm being rude just know that I'm not ...

Audrey: ok

Michael asked her why she wanted to work for him and it actually was a good answer

They both got up and she was against the wall again ...Michael whispered in her ear and felt her body heat began to change

Michael: You can leave

Audrey rushed out the door and Michael thought it was cute

The girl who was talking to Michael went around telling people they are dating which they are not ...She was known for being a slut

Audrey didn't pay attention to it cause she could care less seems like to her Michael is Single and just looking for the one

Michael stared out the window to see her heading to her car and John put the flowers on her car

I hope you Like the flowers Beautiful


Audrey  got in her car and went to go get her boys to take them to Chuck E. Cheese

The had a good time and saw chuck they wanted a picture with him

Michael saw the girl he was talking and quickly went to the elevator Michael doesn't like girls who throw themselves at him and they ask the same thing why he famous or how much money he makes it's been like that for a long time ....He just want someone he can bond with and doesn't ask him about his fame or money

Michael got on his motorcycle and went home he didn't bother waiting on nobody he wanted to go home

Audrey had a fun time with her kids they were her happiness and joy

Eight hours later

Audrey POV

Home sweet sweet the boys had a bath and now they are in bed ...There was a knock on door but she didn't see nobody so she closed the door and locked it back

Her anxiety really has been Messing with her lately she took a 🚿 and went to go check on the boys who were peacefully sleeping

Audrey made her some food since she didn't get a chance to eat cause she put her kids first ....She sat down and turned on the television Michael cleared the rumor up that he wasn't dating Chanel she was only trying to use him to get money and famous but that went down the drain for her

Chanel was at home looking stupid Cause she thought her planned work and now she see what everyone is talking about Michael isn't stupid or a dummy ...He was only play flirting with her to get away

Everybody made fun of her for trying to go out with Michael and she lost friends for lying saying that she dates Michael Jackson so she put that on herself

Michael doesn't like when people lie on him like that that's one reason why he has trust issues

Audrey turned the tv and began washing the dishes afterwards it has been a long day for her and the kids but it was really fun

She went to her bedroom and just lay there staring at the ceiling in her thoughts until she can fall asleep

She was in her thoughts she knew this job was going to be hard and put a lot of pressure on her

All of sudden Michael came into her mind about what happened early when he wanted to be alone with her ...She felt her body shut down the moment he got close to her and him whispering Into her 👂🏽 with that nice voice of his she wanted to moan so badly but she couldn't she just stood there

Michael was a teaser and loved to tease she didn't know how to feel and this is only her third time meeting Michael

Michael was a ladies man and loved the ladies but he knew Audrey can get turned on Quickly and had his eye on her even though he has trust issue he couldn't stay away from her not even if he tried

Audrey thought when he flirts with other women it makes her jealous and they aren't even dating yet

Audrey cleated her mind turned the light off and went to sleep

Next chapter is coming

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