The Darkness

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Ever since then I've been the same ole cold bitch.

"People are such bitches." Leigh said.

"Yes I mean you heard about the bitches Christine and Nina." Pricilla said.

"You guys are the real bitches. I mean you slept with the whole soccer team." I told them. That made them shut up. And I walked away.

But the bitch has to keep going.

"I heard you slept with your creepy granddaddy."

I then proceeded to punch her with upper and lower cuts left and right.

Finally someone got the police involved. Probably a goody two shoes. But no one cared because the police found out what she said and let me. You see let me let you in on something, the cops arrested my family. So they know. And anyways I kept going till I felt a prick on my neck.

I woke up in a fancy bedroom, like those rich people white rooms.

"Where am I? Am I dead?"

"No my child you are at my place."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Maximus."

He had black hair and green eyes and he looked in his 30s.

"Hi I'm Nina."

"Hi Nina my son will be here in a bit to explain things to you. Tea?"


He handed me a coffee mug and poured hot water in it. Then handed me a box full of teas. I picked the passion tea. As I sipped it there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." Maximus called to his son.

"Hi my name is Samson." He has blond hair and brown eyes. For some reason I felt a pull to him.

I nodded.

"Err right...the reason you are here is because you are being adopted by my cousins parents. So you'll be safe here."

Again I nodded. As long as I am far from home.

As if Maximus read my mind he told me, "you are in Paris my love."

Yes far far away! I just nodded.

"So you'll be staying with.."

"Me." A guy with blonde hair and blue eyes said.

"Let's go." I nodded and followed him into a charger. And we drove off.

"So we are going to London so sit tight. We are going to bee on a ferry soon. So just do whatever girls do."

I just nodded. Great a long drive with dork here. Welp I'll just listen to my mus-SHIT! I forgot my shit at the club. Welp I'll just sleep then.

After a long drive we made it to London. And we went straight to the apartment. And man did it look nice.

"Mom, dad I'm home."

"Ok son."

"Oh who's this?"

"The girl you wanted to adopt."

"But it was supposed to be a baby. Not this!"

"Mom chill. It's okay we will call in the morning."

"Fine but she sleeps on the couch."

"Fine with me I'm going to my room."

He left and then soon did his parents and left me to fend for myself. Guess I'm cooking myself.

After I cooked, ate and cleaned I went to sleep. A deep deep sleep to forget the many things happening to my life.

   You see I want to be somebody someday. But I guess not. Because A) I was kidnapped and B) Not even the kidnapper wanted me. So they flew me back. And I told my job that I was kidnapped. But as usual things went in in semi normal fashion. Until two weeks later, little did I know I'd be pregnant by a male at a club. The very one who had kidnapped me. Maximus.
One word two syllables. Not enough to describe him even his own name. I wanted to know more for some reason. But it will come in time I suppose. Finally, someone had saved me for like the 24 hrs I was kidnapped. Saved me from myself. But of course his family didn't want me. Karma will come with passion. But I wasn't going to wait on it. I had a plan.
The next morning I took money from my savings and flew to Paris. Luckily I payed attention to where and when. So I found him. Banged on his cousins family's door.

"What?! Oh it's you."

I punched the parents in the face ultimately breaking their jaw. And I was about to leave when I saw the one and only Maximus.


"Because they flew me back. They didn't want me."

"Is it true?" Maximus then looked at them.

"No sir she left."

"Your lying." I said numbly.

"Proof it."

I showed them the unsigned docs I found before I left. They left it stupidly in my room under the pillow.

"This proof."

"You said you would. So why change your minds? You had an opportunity to change her yet you made her worse. Look at her she is pregnant! Pregnant with a baby that was supposed to be mine!"

"It is yours."

"You serious?"

"Would I lie? Look you can have your proof but I already insured you can trust me by proving they never wanted me. Sooo....yeah."

"True. But how? We never"

"You came drunk to my club and we had an oops and well I left before you could remember or know what I look like so yeah."

"Ok." He dragged it out.

"So pick a date and time and we can know each other."

"Ok so how about now. There is no time like the present." Shit! Why did I say that. I don't want him to know my past. Welp fuck!

"Deal. So where where do you want to go?"

"Uh how about Friends It's an Pasta and salad place in Alesia,France."

"Cool it's like five minutes from us."

We drive and park and we get out and go inside. However; when we got inside, everyone working quickly prepared a table as if royal or something. We sit down though. And, wine is being poured. The lights went dim. And, someone came on the speaker.

'We have a special guest please welcome royal guard Max.'

Ah ok. Makes since now. Wait shit! He knows the royal family!!! I am fucked!

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