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"Morning, May, you are very early today!" Natalia shouted as if MJ was deaf. MJ held her head and hurried to the private elevator. She was seriously not in the mood for anything today, not even Logan's friendly secretary.

"What is wrong with her? You know, for a lawyer, she's rather here too much." Demi gawked at her. Natalia just looked at her and shrugged.

Minutes after May arrived, Logan walked into the building, looking rather too happy on a Saturday. For someone who was all about hard work and profit, Logan was quite looking forward to this half day. "Morning, Natalia." Logan greeted cheerfully. "Morning, Demi."

"Morning, Mr Parker." Natalia greeted with narrowed eyes.

"Oh! Morning, Mr Parker." Demi greeted with furrowed eyebrows and went back to whatever she was doing. Demi was one of the few people who did not care whether Logan was on cloud nine or cloud eleven hundred; she simply did not care.

"Where is Fredah?" He raised an eyebrow at Natalia, and as if on cue; Mosetsana rushed into the building and literally ran to the desk.

"Here, here, Sir!" Mosetsana said breathlessly while walking around the desk. "Morning, Mr Parker." She greeted as she placed her files on the desk.

"Morning, Mosetsana." Logan greeted cheerfully, taking Mosetsana by surprise. "Have a great day, ladies!" He said and walked away.

Mosetsana looked at Natalia for an explanation and laughed. "He finally said my name." Mosetsana squealed, and Natalia smiled and shook her head.

"Just be glad he's in a good mood and didn't fire your late ass." Demi said nastily and left the reception area.

Mosetsana looked at Natalia again. "Don't ask." She said, flipping her off gently. "I don't know what is happening with the people here. May looks like she was hit by a bus, Demi is in a shit mood, and Logan is in a good mood, busy flashing goofy smiles at everyone." Natalia retorted, and they laughed before Mosetsana asked who May was.

"Sonya's lawyer." Natalia said as she watched Logan chatting with a group of interns. She was waiting for him to finish so that she could approach him before he went to his office, because he had a lot of explaining to do.

"Hmm...she's becoming quite familiar with this place for a lawyer, but anyway I don't know how she looks, but Mr Parker and Demi, you'd swear they swapped faces today." Mosetsana added, and they laughed again.

Demi walked towards the desk, gave them cold glares, and left. The two receptionists laughed as they watched her walk away, and just then, Logan walked away from the interns to his elevator. Natalia excused herself and rushed to him just before the elevator closed, and she stepped in and stood next to him. He did not say anything, but he still had that victorious smile on his face.

"You look unusually happy this morning." She said, and Logan turned to her with her smile before he faced the front again.

"That's because I am happy." He chirped happily, and Natalia gritted her teeth in irritation. He was not going to say anything until she asked.

"Does this have anything to do with our damsel in distress?" She asked, and Logan cast her a quick glance.

"Yes, it looks like our damsel in distress is going to be staying for a while longer." He said with a smirk.

"Long enough for you to make her pay for humiliating you?" She asked just as the elevator opened, but she closed it before Logan could step out, which he did not seem to mind at all.

Logan turned to look at Natalia with a hard face that was not exactly meant for her and he said in a firm voice, "Long enough to make her pay for humiliating and deceiving me."

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