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One very vivid memory I have of my parents was when I was six years old and my mom seemed to be a little upset. At the time I didn't understand why but eventually I found out that it was her and my fathers anniversary and he acted like he didn't remember.

I remember earlier that day he said that he got called into work so he had to leave early that morning.

"Mommy, can we go outside?" I asked my mom.

"Of course honey", she said, giving me a small smile. She grabbed her book from the side table by the couch and then I grabbed her hand and started pulling her towards the front door.

"Slow down honey", she said chuckling.

"But by the time we get outside it'll be night", I whined wanting to get outside as soon as possible. If you haven't been able to tell I love being active and I hate going slow. I love going outside and I rarely watch tv. While other kids play their video games or nintendos I'm outside climbing a tree and looking for bugs. My mom just chuckles but still doesn't walk any faster. Finally we reach the door and once we do I run out into the yard and to my favorite tree. I am soon on my favorite branch and start swinging my legs happily as I hum twinkle twinkle little star.

My mom sits on our porch swing and starts swinging slightly as she opens her book and starts reading. After probably about 15 minutes we hear a car driving down our long driveway. Our house is a little ways in the forest and I must say it is beautiful. I've always loved it. Its a very big brown house that I'm absolutely in love with and I've always said to myself that this is my dream house and when I get older I want one just like it.

Soon my dad's white car came into view and when I looked at my mom, she looked confused. I guess she didn't think he would be home this early. My dad came out of the car with a huge smile on his face. He had a bouquet of roses (my moms favorite) and then another man came out of the other side of the car door. My mom stood up still looking confused. She put down her book and walked over to him. Hi gave her a kiss and handed her the flowers.

"Who's he?" She asked, motioning to the other man who stepped out of the car. He was holding some sort of book.

"Surprise", my dad said. My mom still looked confused and I couldn't blame her.

"Jerry here, is going to renew our vows", my dad said excitedly. Being a six year old I still didn't understand what was going on but my mom did. She looked breathless and tears of joy leaked from her eyes. My dad wiped them away and they both smiled at each other, love clearly evident in their eyes.

You're probably wondering why I've told you all this. Well, I thought that this would be a good way to start my story. You see, I've always loved love, you know, romance, cuddling the whole thing. And I've always been inspired by my parents love. You see, they still look at each other as if it were the first time, and they hold hands and act like a love struck couple as if they just started to fall for each other. When I get older I want to be in that kind of relationship, where every kiss is like it's your first where even when your 50 and cranky that special person can still look into your eyes with the same love and affection as if they were looking at you for the first time.

And to be honest, I haven't even had my first kiss yet. It is true that I've been in relationships before but I never felt like they were the right person that I should give my first kiss to. I know I know, this sounds like some cheesy romance novel but to be honest, it's the complete opposite. So you know how I told you how in love my parents were? Ya, well, I guess that's where my story begins.

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