Boy Meets Evil

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I'm the boy that met the evil.

Better way of saying that is that I'm the evil.

The evil I met made me who I am.

Which means I lie, I break, I hurt, I kill, I steal.. I do a lot of bad and evil things.

But truth is that I hate to do them. I made a protective shell around me which is the evil. But under the shell I'm just a scared, desperate, shy boy who wants someone to see though my act and help me break through the shell I made.

The girl that I said "I love you" to, I broke her, I lied to her, i stole her first love in order to keep my walls up and make sure that my shell doesn't break and she doesn't see how broken I am inside. But..... while doing that I hurt her. I told her a lie, that wasn't actually a lie. I made her believe I didn't loved her after all when I do. I made her bloom a flower in a dream that won't and can't ever come true as if it did, it meant I would have to abandom my shell, my secret and precious place. But I want someone to break it... yet, I'm scared of what would happen once it broke.

But since I'm the Boy thats Meest Evil, and is the evil. The only thing I can do is bloom her fl

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