The Book of Life

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The sun comes up over a city, the camera pans close up to a museum. A giant cheetah walks out of it, he is dressed in a blue guide uniform. He pulls out a watch and sighs happily. "Last tour of the day...wonder why no one wants thes-" Before he can even finish a bus stops with a skid right in front of him. Kids, some furries, others demons. (Here demons are accepted) One makes a spit paper and shoots it at him. He groans and gets ready to lead them. As the kids get off one girl says "The Museum again?, there just getting lazy with these detention trips." Then a very lovely looking woman walks down the steps. She is mostly human looking but her skin is slightly furry and bright pink. She also has a guide unifrom on but this one is made for women and has a skirt instead of pants, her tail also instead of having a hole cut out for it in the skirt just has to go under it, making it lift up slightly at the back.

"Don't worry Thomus, i'll take these ones." She says, her bright yellow eyes bringing a little ting of joy to whoever looked at them. Thomus looked at her, for a second he was focused on her hips but then looked her in the eyes. "Are you sure?, i think these are the detention kids." She gently pats him on the head, making him smile and blush. "It's fine, now go enjoy your lunch brake." He whispers thank you and walks away smileing. The same kid who shot the paper spit tries again, the woman just used the tour guide sign to block each one without ever looking. She then turns around on the spot and says "Alright kids follow me."

The kids baffled walk behind her. She heads away from the door and to the wall. A kid speeks up. "Hey lady, the door's that way." He says and points to it. She stops and turns around. "Yes it is, but you arn't like the other kids, you need something special." The kids all go closer to her, she points to the wall and says "Right through that door!" One kid says she is seeing things, she smiles and replies "Or are you not seeing it?" She then steps back and is now behind the wall. It's a optical illusion. She leads them down a dark tunnel. She explains that the day is november second and that is is important as it's the day of the dead. Then a wolf sacurity guard jumps out of nowhere scareing the kids. His fur is all black and slightly oily. "You cannot, go this way!, anciant rule Museam!, yes" He says but then he gets stroked by the girl and he goes all soft. "Well maybe i could turn a blind eye....just this once my dear." She smiles and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek before leading the kids further inside.

Inside a secret room is a giant room filled with mexican cultural and aztec stuff. A giant wall of suger skulls. Then a pedistal for a massive book, with seeminly thousands of pages. One little girl looks at it's cover, which is drawn skulls and bones and flames, all sourounding a heart made of other skulls, flames and bones. "What is this?" She asks the guide. She smiles and bends down to her level. "That is the book of life!, it holds all the stories of everyone who ever lived. Ever!" The kids smile and sit down for more. "All the world is made of stories and all the stories are right here in this book." She then flips to a page about the mexican revolution. "Some are very true." Then she flips to a page about some werid mythical animal. "Some are.....well not lies but not all true ether." She then sits down herself, a chair seemingly moving by itself as she goes to sit down and making it just in time to get her, after adjusting her spot on it and giving it a pet then a look that said don't try anything funny. She fliped to a page with a bookmark. "Now for this story we go to the centre of mexico, in a town called San Angel. The scene then changes to a shot of a town in clothing of the 18 hundreds mexico. A bright red fox boy is shouting out about selling tacos. Then a bird poops on them, he waits a second before shouting out "Frosted Tacos!"

The woman then narrates. "Since San Angel was the centre of mexico, right below it was....The land of the remembered!, a festive place full of colour and endless parties. Where the people who are dead but still remembered go. So under that was the land of the forgotten. Where the poor souls no longer rememberd go to slowly fade away. But!, before i continue. We need to meet the two magical rulers of these realms." She points to a large painting, on one side is a cat woman wearing a long bright red dress all honesty shows a bit too much skin for children to see. Nothing that would be against the law but just enough that leaves little to the imagination. The way she sits lets one of her legs stick out and show her very dark and skin tight leggings under the dress. On her head is a giant hat covered in bright orrange flowers. Her skin is bright pink and all over has patterns  of flowers and other festive things. "This is La Muerte, she is made of candy and flowers and always smells like spring." The kids all go wow to the paintingm one girl says "She's pretty." The woman smiles and puts a hand on her hip, as if proud. "She is, now for her husband. That, is Xibalba" She points to the other side of the painting, which shows a large wolf like demon covered in oil and a two headed snake sits next to him, the snake has one normal head and one where the tail end should be. "That charming demon there thinks that mortals are evil and unkind, just like him. He is made out of tar and oil."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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