10/14/19 - Rocket Ship

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rocket ship glanced off the hip taking a dip in time, space, and energy. the energy it takes to leave the surface of the sun. there is no one greater than the mind, the mind of one. it only takes one to change the course of destiny, empower within me the chance the change the space I need to make a difference the one the need to run on the surface and create dust off my shoes and refuse to loose heart and hope in the day to come and life we've won wonder if its ever been enough to stop us and slow us down. its not enough. there is more and not enough less. we have what it takes to destroy our self perceptions and rearrange the questions we've been asking about the done in our run and fun whether or not we've ate enough of puns. take enough chances to make what you do look like a dance. smooth elegant. not forced or preprogrammed but fun and one. enough to make the day dawn for your one life and love. you can you can you can you can. blast off. 

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