Chapter Twelve

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Mark and Lucilla were taken by the Italian Carabineri to their local police headquarters. The German Army reported an Italian and a German soldier missing from their posts.

"We'll, majorie, if I should see them, I will make every effort to contact the proper authorities. What are their names and what do they look like? " Mark had not a worried look at all.

In an adjoining room, the elite police were deep into interrogating Lucilla. These police were far more efficient than New York cops or even the reputable FB I in America. If there was an inconsistency in either Mark's or her story, they would find out.

This was their first baptism of fire, so to speak.

"Where did you meet your wife?"

"I met her while on leave with the army on the Island of Rhodes."

"Your maiden name was Metaxis?"


"Senior, why were you discharged from the army?"

"Seniora, there was a well-known prostitute on Rhodes by your name."

"I received a head wound and have a medical discharge. I am subject to re-evaluation for active duty at the end of this year."

"Oh, Senior, please understand that I have been a woman accused of loose morals. Not every man who's been with me has been my husband."

"Senior Carabeta, how did you and your wife get to the toe of Italy?"

"You were tried for prostitution on the Isle of Rhodes, Seniora?"

"Senior majorie, we caught rides on farm wagons and even a truck hauling sheep. Seniora and I rode up front with the driver."

"Oh, Senior, I was cleared of all charges under the law. Now I am being a good woman." Lucilla then took gentle hold on the uniformed officer. "I beg you. Please say nothing to my husband!"

"Senior Carabeta, we find no fault in you."

"Seniora Carabeta, continue to be the good wife that you have been. We know that the law found you not guilty. We have no reason to send you back to Rhodes. You may remain with your husband with our blessing."

Once they police conferred with each other on their separate interrogations, they brought Mark and Lucilla together.

"Senior and Seniora Carabeta, please forgive our demanding questions. Two men are missing. We had to be thorough."

The police chief then handed their papers and escorted Mark and Lucilla to their bicycles. Mark was aware that some policemen were snickering as their eyes undressed Lucilla. Mark said nothing.

Instead he and Lucilla smiled as she avoided the policemen who had interrogated her.

"Ciao, my friends." Mark wore a cheerful smile as he placed his hand on Lucilla's shoulder in support.

After they had gone some distance, they could hear the policemen laughing aloud in derision.

Mark turned to Lucilla. "They asked you about Rhodes?"

"Yes," she said. "I played my part well."

"You can see how thorough our OSS Intelligence is. It's a good thing the police don't know that Helena Metaxis is dead."

"One of her customers killed her?"

"Yes, but there's no record of her death."

"Mark, your people know their jobs well."

Mark and Lucilla continued to ride throughout the morning. Now and then they passed by wagons pulled by mules.

"So this is your modern Italy? What did you have that I didn't have at my villa outside of Rome?"

Lucilla--NaNoWriMo2014Where stories live. Discover now