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Life isn't anything like the movies. When you want to chase a girl through the airport to profess your love before she gets on a flight that will take her far away from your forever you won't be allowed in because you don't have a ticket and by the time you do get in your last shot at love will be long gone. Life doesn't follow a plot line, the climax of your story will not be when you realize you're in love and kiss him for the first time in the pouring rain. There probably won't be the perfect song playing to capture all your emotions when you have your heart broken for the first time. Life hits you hard and sometimes it hits all at once, whether you like it or not.

The last thing I remember about my my life before waking up was Halloween night when I was seven. My twin brother Riley and I were dressed up like Jess and Woody and our little brother Caleb dressed up as Buzz Light-year. We had just finished getting all dressed up and taking pictures so our mother was loading us into the car to make the trek across town to our grandparents house. They lived in the ritzy part of town where all the big candy bars were. My dad had one hand on the steering wheel and the other was holding my mom's hand as we drove the familiar highway to our grandparent's place. Out of nowhere a car swerved into our lane and hit us head on. The very last thing I remember before passing out were the screams of my little brother as I tried to reach for him.

“I'm going to ask you some pretty standard questions. If you can't answer them just let me know, okay?” My doctor was standing to my left and a nurse was set up in the corner of the room with a portable computer that she could wheel from room to room to take notes for the doctor.

“What's your name?” was the first question he asked.

“Arabella Wilder. I don't have a middle name,” I told him and picked at a loose thread at the hem of the hospital blanket.

“When were you born?”

“August 4, 1997,” I recited to him.

“Where do you live?”

“Montana.” I told him and his eyebrows shot up in surprise. 

“Can you be a little more specific please?” he asked me.

“Of course. I live in a town called Ennis. My parents have a beautiful house on Ennis lake that we live in.” I explained.

“Do you know where you are now?”

I rolled my eyes and nodded, “Yeah, a hospital.” 

“Do you know what city you're in though?” he asked, again probing me to be more specific.

“I would assume that I'm in Ennis,” I responded.

“Do you know how you got to this hospital?”

I paused before speaking. No matter how  hard I tried to remember the only thing that I could recall was the Halloween accident when I was seven. There were little bits and pieces of other things, like songs that were released over the years, celebrity meltdowns, new movies, but nothing was directly related to my life.

The doctor took my silence as an affirmation that I did not know how I got to the hospital. “Can you describe the last event you can recall before you woke up here?”

That was an easy question. The moment had been on replay for the last two hours. It was all that I could think about. I woke up screaming because my dream of the accident was so vivid. I told him about the Halloween accident and he nodded and wrote something on his notepad even though there was a nurse transcribing everything that we said. 

“What year is it?” He asked.

I frowned and tried to guess what year it might be. If it was 2004 when I was seven what year would that make in now? The doctor interrupted my thoughts, “If you don't know what year it is just tell me.”

“I-I don't know.” I sighed and picked at my nails, a nervous habit I don't recall having before now. I had acrylic nails that someone must have replaced while I was in my coma. Whoever did them had painted them a morbid shade of black. 

“That's alright. Do you know how old you are Miss Wilder?” He asked and my frown deepened.

“No, I don't.” How many years had passed since I was in that accident? Had I been in this hospital bed the entire time. It was clear that I was no longer the little girl. I had obviously grown up quite a bit. Was I a teenager now or even older than that? For some reason I can still remember things that I must have learned in school. I can still reference pop culture, I have a fairly mature vocabulary, I've retained my memory of almost everything except what's important. I know that there's something different about me. I'm nothing like the seven year old that I was but I don't know who I am now.


Hi there! Thank you for choosing to read my story!

This story is going to be the first that I've shared with anyone before so feedback and input are hugely appreciated! My updates are probably going to be once a week or once every two weeks depending on how busy I am. Future chapters will also be significantly longer than this! I left this shorter because it's just the intro and I just want to get this started. 

I promise that in the next chapter more characters will be introduced and we will learn more about Arabella. 

I hope you enjoy the story!

xoxo Emmaline


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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