chapter 3

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You know how much people hype being in ss3, the final year of highschool???
Well, when I was younger I always thought ss3 is going to be like living in warm fuzzies. You would be able to send juniors on errands, you will have control over the regulations of the school, have smaller curriculum since we were told almost all the subject have been covered. Ohh I was so naive...

Here I was sitting in class listening to Mrs Collins spilling stuffs about the world population in the Northern part of the world. This is going to be a longgggg day!

I thought this is the first day of school, ain't you suppose to give out the course outline and get out... Argggh some teachers never quit, do they?? So annoying...

In conclusion students. I would like you to know that the... She begins.

I was so glad that she's finally saying the conclusions. Perfect.

So class... that is all about the population in Iceland, have already talked about Denmark and Finland. So I would discuss about other countries next class.

OK ma'am the class chorus, I can also see some students murmuring about being the first day and complaining she's spending almost two periods.

But before I go, can one of you summarize the population of Finland.

Please not me, please don't be me.

I saw her turning to my side.

Ohh no, not me pleaseee. I didn't even listen to a shit she said about Finland, the only thing I listened to is the concluding part.

Paul, give us a summary.

ohh thank God, I turned to face Paul who was on my left side. I saw the dude jotting down the explanations, which mean he's going to have ideas.

I was surprised when he started looking down his jottings, I mean you jotted it down, you must at least have an idea. Maybe he is misinterpreting Finland for Denmark...  Who knows?

He started reading out from his jottings, I turned to face Mrs Collins who had a proud smile on her face, can't she even notice this guy he's cheating...  I mean he makes it really obvious.

After emptying all he have in his jottings, Mrs Collins was brimming brightly... I guess teaching for hours and thinking your students had heard all what you taught would made anyone happy... Won't it???
Too bad she's wasn't really observant.

Well said Paul, so class see you on Wednesday. Have a good day.
With that, she grabbed her things from the desk and proceeded outside.

Finally!!! That's about time!!!

Now I could complete my daily dose of sleep mom didn't let me.

I lean my head on the table and use my hands as the pillow, before I could close my eyelids.
I heard Mr Martins voice greeting the class as he entered.

Ohh God, can't a girl just have a peace and quiet, I whispered.

No!! she can't, I heard Dave saying behind me.

Shut up asshole.

Someone's feisty, I like them feisty. He said

Even behind me I can imagining him winking.

Ass... I said dryly

Okay. Welcome to ss3 guys, a place where you would have to do extreme studies in order to pass the upcoming exams, as you all know guys......

Ohh here comes the pep talk. I mean does this people know the amount of pep talk have listened to my entire life?? knowing what he would discuss I zoomed out of the living zone.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2019 ⏰

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