lets get coffee

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hey, do you want to get coffee and catch up tomorrow?
you don't have to tell your family and i won't tell mine. let's just go
let's go like we used to,
no strings attached.
i'll order your favorite drink, which i know by heart,
and we can sit and discover all the things we don't know about each other now.
i'll tell you how broken i was when i lost my grandfather last year,
just 2 weeks after losing you, too.
i'll show you my memories and pictures and all the friends i made when i traveled across the world
and how i redefined who i was outside of you.
i'll give you my testimony and share how God changed my life.
but in exchange, i only want one thing
one thing only
and those are your eyes
pouring into mine,
for just a fraction of the time that i haven't had the chance to look into them.
and sure, it will hurt
to see those eyes who have since then loved someone else
but do i want them regardless?
always, undoubtedly.
so, let's go then,
let's go to that special place up on the hill
and let's sit at that old table we spent hours at before
and pour into me.
just for a while, a fraction of time,
let's go get some coffee,
and show me your eyes.

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