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You've probably already heard the news by now but I wanna give a quick trigger warning anyway

I'm really bad at writing things like this, I don't know what's okay to say and what isn't so please forgive me if what I'm saying comes off in the wrong way or vague

Yesterday, Sulli, a former member of F(x) and an actress passed away, I've seen reports that have said the police aren't ruling out other causes, but they are pretty much certain it was suicide

I only really know one F(x) song, but you didn't need to know F(x) or watch any of the shows/movies she was in to of heard of Sulli, I saw her name around a lot and, sadly, it wasn't always in the best light and that's a massive shame because over the past 24 hours I've seen so many things about how much of an amazing person she was

(Please tell me if I get any of this wrong and I am so, so sorry if I do)
Sulli was an actress to begin with, starting when she was 11 years old and in 2009, when she was 15, F(x) debuted, in 2014, she pulled out of promotions for their 'Red Light' album and went on a hiatus so she could focus on her mental health, in 2015, she officially left the group and started focusing on acting, she released her first solo song earlier this year

She was bullied online and trolled and hated on just for being who she is for so long and it's so disgusting to see people say crap like that to a person and not care about the consequences or how it can take a toll on someone's mental health

It's so disgusting to see people say harmful things to someone until they make the decision Sulli did

Sulli was such a beautiful and talented woman and she didn't deserve all the hate and abuse she got

Sulli, I hope you're at peace now and I hope they're treating you well up there💜💜

Sulli, I hope you're at peace now and I hope they're treating you well up there💜💜

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If you are struggling, please, please, please get help and my DM's are always open if you need to talk💜💜

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If you are struggling, please, please, please get help and my DM's are always open if you need to talk💜💜

If you are struggling, please, please, please get help and my DM's are always open if you need to talk💜💜

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