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it's unedited ^^
suck my dick caden. let's see what you got


fighting crime was always the same.

bakugou remembered the days he dreamed of kicking ass and fighting bad guys like a hero, but now it was muddled with the labor of work.

he was like the number two hero? deku still held number one but he hardly gave a rat's ass about that. he turned twenty two that year, and for a short amount of time, matured a lot. he felt like aizawa on a coffee hiatus— still grumpy and still his vulgar self.

just more tired, and more useless feeling.

but there he was, fighting this lowlife thug with quirk that reminded him of the sludge villain he encountered in his teens. the thought made him shudder.

"you're losing focus, boy," the guy wheezed with an airy laugh. bakugo growled and his fist ignited again.

"don't test me," he said with a toothy grin.

he went for another blast, stronger than the previous one. the man was sent back flying into a bunch of wooden storage bins with a crash. the blonde began to walk towards the defeated with a glow in his eye.

"everyone knows you're just a fat guy in a costume with a lame ass quirk."

the thug started coughing, blood and dust, until it turned into another gravelly laugh. bakugou's grin faded into a sneer.

"the hell's so funny," he barked. the man continued to laugh, spitting onto his greasy tank top, the terrible sound beginning to cease,

"ah, kids like you," he smiled to himself as he wiped the excess blood from his lip. "you think your hero work sustains a satisfying lifestyle but you just feel useless. they have enough people like you, you're nothing special. i'm the one fighting in a costume?" he laughed himself coughing again.

"shut up!" bakugou yelled defensively. "you don't know anything!"

"sure, kid," the man said, getting up and preparing for a fruitless last attack. "keep telling yourself that."

bakugou's surprise quickly changed into another sneer, followed by another over dramatic blast, "BASTARD!"

the police came not much longer to collect the thug. turns out he was transporting illegal goods from the ship docks when a few bystanders got in the way. no one was injured except for a young girl who got caught in the fight.

"thank you so much, ground zero," the policeman bowed appreciatively. "we probably wouldn't have caught him without you. we always need heroes like you around."

bakugou grumbled something along the lines of a 'you're welcome' and turned to leave the scene to go home when he felt someone tug at his sleeve.

"excuse me?"

it was a boy, maybe ten years old, looking up at him cautiously, "my sister was hurt and i wanted to know if you could come with me to the hospital... they said i need an adult with me. i don't know where my mommy or daddy are."

bakugou stared into his wide eyes for a second before looking away, "go home kid. find your parents."

"you're a hero right?"


and he left.

bakugou's apartment resided on the other side of town past the fish market in a dimly lit part of the city. it wasn't great, but it was home.

the walls were leaky, his faucet never worked, he could've sword he'd seen a cockroach or two, and the neighbor's dogs wouldn't shut the fuck up. but the part he loved the most was that he had the highest floor.

from there, he saw miles and miles of city lights and once after every long day, he felt his heart— fly or explode, he wasn't sure. but it reminded him of the reason he became a hero in the first place; it wasn't for the money (obviously), or the fame, it was for the feeling of being powerful.

he didn't have a lot, but he felt like a king with that view, and he looked forward to it every time he came home.

bakugou approached the door of his apartment, mail lazily dropped on the side of the "welcome" mat (it said fuck off). he tiredly grabbed the bundle, slipped off his shoes, and threw his keys into the pot next to the door.

he dropped the mail onto his coffee table and began walking towards the bathroom to take a shower, but the front of a magazine caught his eye.

* The Cover of the Magazine *
Hero Red Riot Saves The Day
Once Again!
"It's all in a days work,"
super star and hero Red Riot says.

kirishima, he said quietly and stroked the page carefully. it'd been years since he had seen that shark faced loser. it'd been the first time in a long time he felt his heart squeeze a bit from the memory of him.

* A Fond Memory *
"Katsuki! Wait up!"
"Did you just try to hold my hand,
Shitty Hair?"
"Can I tell you something?"
"You're my best friend."

he was his best friend. best friend. so much for that, he thought bitterly and turned over the paper.

the shower for once was warm. and the fabric of his pajamas felt soft on rough skin and scars. the cars honked outside and the dog barked loudly, filling the silence he feared of hearing. there was so much going on in the day, but at night there was nothing to think about but how lonely he felt sometimes.

and what that man said, "they have enough people like you." the fuck did that mean? the world needed him, he was the best. he defended the defenseless, he was a hero. but how much did that actually mean?

how much did he actually want that?

bakugou stopped drying his hair and shook his head. it was too late for doubting. he just needed sleep. he kept the towel around his neck and made his way to the door to lock it.

a knock was what changed his life.

bakugou opened the door.

* In The Middle Of The Night *
"i have an offer."

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