The Mask X Reader (Request)

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Request By FierceJay

(Sorry if its a little bad, I tried my best XD)

Y/N = Your Name

L/N = Last Name

H/C = Hair Color

F/C = Favorite Color/Favorite Coffee

(Your Outfit, it can be your F/C  if you want)

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(Your Outfit, it can be your F/C  if you want)

(Your Outfit, it can be your F/C  if you want)

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(Your Hairstyle, it can be your H/C)

You were walking around the city, Looking around for the coffee shop that you were supposed to be to meet your date. You were kinda nervous and excited to meet who your date was because you only met him online and not in person,but you were really excited to meet him.

You finally found the coffee shop, But your date wasn't here yet, So you decided to grab a quick F/C (Favorite Coffee) and sit down on an outside table and wait for him. 

Y/N's POV:

"Dang, Where is he?" I said sitting in my chair for a long time and still hasn't shown up. Then I heard a banging noise that came from inside the shop, I quickly ran to look inside to see what was going on, There were men suited in black suits and black masks (MEN IN BLACK! XD) They must of broken a window and busted in to collect their money for the terrified cashiers. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket to call the police, but before i dialed the number, a gloved hand grabbed my wrist and pulled inside the store and threw me to a wall and I fell on the floor.

"OK Toots, Hand over the phone." said the guy holding out his hand for the phone, I refused to so I hold my phone to my chest. Then the guy grabbed my arm but then lets go for a reason. The fog of smoke came out of nowhere, the guys are all coughing and gagging. (isn't that batman's thing?)

"SSS-MOKIN!" said a voice from someone that I cannot see because of the smoke, but all Im hearing is punching,kicking ,and crazy laughing.Finally, the smoke clears away and now i can see the bad guys on the floor with their underwear over their heads. I was very shocked to see what just happened, but then I saw him. He was a very strange man, BUT HANDSOME! (Girl Seriously?! T_T)

"Nobody robs a Coffee Shop in MY TOWN!" He said while dusting some dust off his clothes and placing his hat on. I got off the floor quietly without making any noise and quietly opened the door so i can leave without being noticed., but there was a bell on the door and it jingled when I opened the door (Welp, we're screwed.)

The Mask's POV:

I heard a jingle of a bell behind me, I quickly turned around to see what that was about, I was just a lady that is about to leave, But who is it?

I quickly zoomed in front of her to get her attention, "Hey Hey Hey! What's the hurry, Sweetheart?" (*swoons*), But then my jawdropped on the floor when I got a good view of her. She was a Beautiful lady with a very cute outfit, H/C hair, and a very cute face, Then my heart starts to pound like crazy, I put my hands on my heart to stop it. Well guys, I think I'M IN LOVE! (Me too buddy, Me too. XD)


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I was very confused about what just happened, Then I felt a hand grabbed my waist and pull me closer to him, I squeaked in fear. "Well, Hello Nurse!" He said with a big smile on his face.

"Umm, Excuse me But who are you?" I said as I grabbed his hand and made him let go of waist then I backed up a little.

"Well, They call me by many names, But you my dear, You can me The Mask!" He said as he appeared out of nowhere to my side.

"Ummm, OK?" I said with awkward and a shocked kind a tone. But then, He puts his arm around me. "I don't know why? But you like my date that I met online, But prettier." said The Mask as his hand rubs my right shoulder.

I went under his arm to escape his grip and when i was about to run away, I just realized about what he just said, so i froze in a minute. 

"Hold up. Did you say Online Date?" I said as I turned around to him. "Ummm Yeah, There was this girl named Y/N that I met and I was supposed to meet her here, until this place was about to be robbed." He said as he fixes his hat properly.

I was shocked about what he was talking about, It was me that he was talking about. I rubbed the back of my head and decide to speak. "Ummm, I'm Y/N..." I said shyly.

"Wait, Seriously?" He said surprised. Then he stretched his arm to grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug. "OMG, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT'S YOU, I'M SO SURPRISED THAT IT'S YOU!" He said as he hugged me tight, He must be really happy to see me.

"Y-yeah and I'm surprised too." I said shyly as I blushed a lot. Then, He stopped hugging me and we both went outside.

"So, Since this is not the place to be anymore, How about we go somewhere else?" I said awkwardly 

Then, He grabbed my hand and holds it in a nice way (Awww, I wanna hold his hand too :( ) 

"Sure." He said as we both walked to find another place to be.


(Sorry if I took forever to write this, My head was going in circles about what to write but anyway I hope you like it :D )

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2019 ⏰

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