were is daddy

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(y/n) P.O.V


"sky baby wake up you need to get ready for nursery (pre school/kingergarden) i said shaking a sleeply two year old very lightly. "no mwummy i no want to get out of bwed im twired and it frweezing" she said snuggeling deeper into the blankets ."ok then me and teddy bear will go down stairs and eats breakfast and feed cookie (pet cat)" I said taking her teddy bear out of her hands and starting to walk out the door hoping it would encourage her to get up. "nwooo mwommy you cwant take my tweddy bear with you it's mine pwease give it back" she said jumping up out of bed and starting to run towards me trying to grab the bear off me. "ok you can have it only if you come down stairs with me" I said encouraging her more to come down stairs and not get back into bed . "ok Mwummy but onlwy if you cwarry me down" she said lifting her hand up for me to pick up she gave me a smirk which was near enough identical with zayns smile apart from she had less teeth. I picked her up and started walking down stairs she laid her head on my shoulder and she asked me a question I have been dreading to hear she said "Mwummy why don't I have a daddy like my fwriend does at nursey "you do but he is on a long holiday ," I said placing her in her chair at the table I felt bad for lieing I hope they meet one day . ----FLASHBACK--- (before zayns audition) you don't have to worry I will call you every day zayn said wiping away my tears ----END OF FLASHBACK---- what do you want for breakfast" I said trying to change the subject. "i want cookie mwommy dere my fravworite" Skylynn said smirking at me giving me puppy dog eyes "you know you can't have cookies for breakfast how about you have some cereal how about coco pops" "ok bwut i rweally did want a cwookie" she said giving me puppy dog eyes. "how about you have your breakfast we will get dressed then you can have a cookie ok'" "ok mummy" she said smirking

------skip breakfast-----

(In the car on the way to nursey/preschool)

"Mwummy what are ywou going to dwo whilst I'm at nwursey" sky said hugging her teddy bear close "well I have a job interview today" "what's that mwummy" she asked looking confused "well people ask you lots of question to see if your good enough to work with them . "that doest swound fun" sky said as I was taking her out if her car seat walking into nursey with her on my hip. "It isn't it's boring" I said as I started tickling her. "Stop Mwummy " she screamed . I walked in to the nursey and placed her down. "Go to your friend have a good day iloveyou" I said hugging her tightly. "I wove you too Mwummy bye"

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