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that night, sicheng died in my arms.

he was right. there is nothing beautiful in the world. except for him.

months before meeting me, he was diagnosed with a cancer.

this is why his friends parted ways with him. they didn't want to hurt when he was gone.

this is why he was so cheerful. he wanted to live his last moments in peace and happiness.

this is why he took care of me so badly. he wanted to make someone the happiest person on earth before he left.

sicheng knew he had to leave. but he never told me. never did i know that night would be the last night i would ever see him.

he left a letter in his pre-packed suitcase.


Dear Lihua,

   Hey. Didn't expect this, huh? Well, i did. Before i go, i'd like to tell you a story very dear to me.

  Once there was a girl. She was very special. She had to gift to see no evil. A boy stumbled upon her one day in a park. They became inseperable. Eventhough they were both hurting, they made each other happy. The boy took the girl under his wing to protect her from everything this world has to throw at her. He took in her sorrow, pain, and sadness. He became a safe place for her.

As time passed, the boy fell in love. With the same girl he had living under his roof. He got teased by his friends but he didn't care. She was the only thing that mattered. He regretfully made promises to the girl that he couldn't keep. But he made one. To always stay in touch with the girl. He left from existence after that.

You may ask, how are they in touch if he's gone? The boy gave her his heart. He did everything to make her happy. He poured his heart and soul out. Just for her. He didn't matter anymore. There was a heart that would live on forever and ever while his wouldn't. He gave her his all. He gave her life long happiness. There he was. He'd always be with her in the form of happiness.

  Please keep your promise. Don't forget about me. I, even if I'm no more, will protect you from the afterlife. I'll never leave you. Please use touch. It's the best gift this cruel world has to offer. Never lose touch.

  I love you Lihua. I'm sorry I had to go this way.

                                  Your best friend,
                                  Dong Sicheng

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