Update; 10/15/19

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Well HELLO there! I haven't done this for over a year! I honestly had thought to quit the game with the last update I posted. However, there are a couple of friends I currently have that is motivating me to continue to play.

Credits to; (You know who you are!)

After finally a year later after rebalance. I decided to post another update for my Minstrel since these things are a big fun to do. Since I mostly procrastinate and love to do Iruna related things. This will be like a blogging / diary maybe?

Now time to get to final point and my thoughts on what needs work on.

Now time to get to final point and my thoughts on what needs work on

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I have finally had hit level 396. I had overcapped once again! Lmao.

With the help of my friend Third. I managed to cap without a sweat. Many thanks to him. I can't thank him enough.

Now. The questions sink in. Why this build? It's absurd.

Well as Tilt once said. It looks quite messy but it brings beautiful results.

I have always thought of the wonderful chance of stealing aggro and becoming the secondary support and tank in a party. Whilst doing chipping DPS at the very same time. With this build I don't do a lot of damage but I'm figuring out many ways where I could maybe find equipment that is relevant to it.

- You can tank very well regardless of your equipment. It's hard to die.
- You have high HP and evasion.
- Solo tanking potential with the newer bosses is very good.

- It's very hard to solo grind. I mean you could but it honestly takes relatively a long time to actually kill one mob. Since I'm now spamming songs.
- Burn hurts. Badly.
- I don't believe this build is possible at early stages of Minstrel. Reason being is that you are very party reliant.
- Damage is not very high.

As of now. I chose full survival over damage. I am happy with the success of this build greatly.

Now my Apostolia and extras.

Now my Apostolia and extras

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