Chapter 13

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Petra's laugh was derisive as she eyed the girl curled amongst the cushions like an Arabian princess of the Old World, despite her wild, dirty face.

'You have no right to be here, Petra.' Jinn was fuming as he stormed into the room behind the gloriously golden angel. Petra sneered as she turned to him. The heavy afternoon light gleamed off of her hair that was coiled and piled high on top of her head, bound with a glittering string of pearl-sized rubies. She wore a thin silk tunic that swept low between her breasts and pooled at her feet in a pale pink puddle, a thick rope of gold was wrapped around her tiny waist and Eutopia couldn't help but stare at the obnoxiously large blood-red stones that dripped from her ears and her neck, carved into the shape of delicately-petalled roses.

'I only came to check on Athena,' Petra smiled with cold eyes that were locked on the girl at the foot of the bed. 'I didn't realise I was - interrupting something.'

'You weren't interrupting anything, but you've out stayed your welcome.'

'I see your taste in decorating hasn't changed much in five hundred years.' Petra placed her hands on her hips as she glanced around the large but elegantly furnished room with pursed lips. The heavily carved bed dominated the room, it was second in size only to the window that claimed most of one wall. The full-to-burst bookcase took up the other free wall and it was between the bookcase and the bed that Eutopia remained, curled on her cushion and clutching the book like a shield. The sight drew another laugh from Petra's perfect lips.

'Oh for the love of all that's good. She has a book. Are you going to teach her to read when you've finished with her?'

Jinn was in front of her at once. Although there was little difference in their size Petra visibly shrank back as Jinn approached her and his hand shot out to grab her hair and roughly pull her head back so that their eyes could meet.

'Get out.'

'I'm sure Uriel would be interested to know you've not been doing as you're told, Jinn. I thought you said she was dead.' That petulant pout remained as Petra looked up at him with her golden eyes. Jinn let go of her and shoved her roughly away, making her stumble as he swept down to where Eutopia was trembling on the pile of cushions. The delicate chain clinked as he released her only to pull her up by the arm and tilt her head back gently but firmly so that the collar that still graced her throat was exposed.

'She is mine now,' Jinn growled, almost territorially.

Petra laughed, a cold but beautiful sound.

'I distinctly remember you saying that about all the others, Jinn. We'll see how long it lasts.'

'This time it's different. You won't breathe a word of this to Uriel, to Michael. Keep your envious emotions to yourself.'

'Envious?!' Petra managed to splutter in surprise, 'of her? Of that common, inconsequential slave of a mortal? I think you're deluded, Jinn!' He laughed, shortly, crossing his arms across his chest as he leaned back slightly to let more of the light that crept through the silken curtain at the window bathe her beautiful upturned face.

'Please,' Petra stepped closer to Jinn ignoring the girl, who had sunk down slowly to her cushion again, raising her angelic hands palm upwards towards Jinn with fingers splayed to show she meant no harm as she moved with slow deliberation and rested them lightly on the taut muscle of his chest her golden eyes pleading as she peered up at him in the soft light. Petra's lips, parted and trembling, brushed over Jinn's as she whispered. 'Please don't leave me, Jinn, we've been together so long, roaming the width and breadth of this strange place since the beginning of the End. I wouldn't cope here on my own without you, I need you and I know you need me.'

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