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Sorry for the long wait guys !!! We're back tho, not quite sure when we'll update next because the real exams are coming up pretty soon but for now enjoy this long chapter :))

Y/n's POV

I wouldn't say Hyunjin's bad looking or anything, just he seems like the type to break a girls heart real quick. Like a date and dump. He is pretty cheesy with his pick up lines, they disgust me yet they're amusing at the same time. I'm usually not one to assume or jump to conclusions, but after the Wooseok incident I can't help but build my walls up high incase I get hurt again. Oh yeah, I remember I need to check my messages because a while ago, Diana sent out a mass text, it said:

"August 2nd people! Clear your schedules because I'm throwing my boy Mark a birthday party in honour of his 18th so be there or be square! Bring your swimsuits too if y'all wanna swim"

How cute. I wonder who else is invited. The only problem is I don't know Mark very well so how am I going to buy him a gift? Well, he seems very musical, maybe I'll get him a flute or something, we'll see I guess.

Maybe I should ask the group for help.

Birthday planning for Mark

Type a message...


Idk what to get Mark guys,
any ideas??


Im getting him a hoodie


Im gonna get him a... wait nvm I don't have any ideas


Lmao lets all get him fruits


How about we all chip in for a gift.
Like an apple watch or smthing.


Smart ^^^


Sounds good!


^^^, Whats the plan tho?


Okay, so the plan is, NO ALCOHOL WHATSOEVER. We don't want the cops busting in. We'll get him fruits as presents as a joke. Then after we convince him it's his actual present, we'll signal Diana to come in with the guitar she bought him as a gift, while singing 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran. While we bring in his actual gift. Which is the apple watch wrapped in the hoodie, inside a box. Also, don't forget your swimwear y'all ! Remember that its a pool party at Diana's place ;)


Alright, sounds good.
I'll see y'all there :)


It was already 5:53, and we were meant to meet at Diana's at 6:00 the latest, and yet here we are: still at Alexa's place getting ready.

"Guys c'mon we're gonna be late, lets gooo" Baejin whined, pouting at us as from the door.

"Wait wait, y'all come lets take a quick selfie. Just one, please?" The two boys: Baejin and Eunwoo, grumbled in protest as they made their way towards us. There were 6 of us here: me, Christina, Nina, Alexa, Eunwoo, and Baejin. Us girls planned to meet up at Alexa's place, since she only lives 2 blocks away, and so we could all get ready together; then Eunwoo and Baejin just tagged along.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2019 ⏰

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