Chapter Four

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As we made our way down to my car, a familiar voice rang, "Anaïs?"

We both looked up to see a confused Daniel walking towards us.

Anaïs looked up at me as he approached, looking ready to run back inside. I'd hardly ever spoke to Daniel, mostly in the way that neighbors do.

"What are you doing over here?" he questioned as he began taking steps onto my yard. "Hey Josh, you doing good?"

I offered him a friendly smile, as soon as he grabbed her arms and gave her a kiss. Anaïs backed up, standing closer to me. She's not your girlfriend anymore.

"What's wrong baby?" he asked, trying to close the distance between them again. She clasped my arm the way a child does their mother.

"We're actually heading out Dan, listen, don't call her anymore," I said with a smile and walked towards my car with Anaïs in tow.

"Dude, she's my girlfriend, I can call her if I want," Daniel lashed out.

I opened the door of my truck for Anaïs and she quickly climbed into my passenger seat. "You okay?" I asked. She nodded shortly.

I closed the door and spun around to face Daniel. He was shorter than me by a few inches, a bit lanky. He looked like a typical frat boy, which he was in every sense.

"Dude, let me talk to my girlfriend," he demanded, squaring his shoulders. Cute.

I went to my side of the vehicle and got in, Daniel knocking on Anaïs' window. She wasn't looking at him, she was looking at me.

Daniel yelled unintelligibly as I backed out, but it was no mind to me. If she wanted him, she could've gone with him, but she came with me. She wanted to be around me. My heart soared despite it meaning almost nothing. It meant enough.

I pulled into a diner just outside of town. I hadn't taken her here yet. It was my favorite.

"Stay right there," I quickly got out and opened her door for her. She blushed and hopped down, her hair bouncing and wafting its scent at me.

The diner was small and retro, bright red seats and a milkshake bar. They had amazing burgers, vintage ads and photographs lined the walls. The waitresses wore beautiful pink button down blouses with lace lined white aprons. It looked like the 50s to say the least.

We sat in a booth, and to my pleasure Anaïs sat on the same side as me. She kept her distance still, but it was enough make my heart thump hard and loud. I hoped she couldn't hear it.  She wanted chicken fingers with fries and a small coke. It didn't bother me one bit that I had to order for her.

"This is the first place I ate at when I moved here," I started, trying to casually form any kind of conversation. "My family originally is from California, but my dad moved us out to Detroit to open his own autobody shop. My Grandfather owned one about a mile from, and when he passed away I inherited it. I come here often for meals at any given point of the day, because its so close to work. You think it'd be more of an attraction because of all the college kids, but it's tucked away so nice they don't really disturb me."

Anaïs was listening intently, her eyes not leaving mine. As much as I learned about her, I shook off most questions about myself. I didn't care to tell her, I wanted to know about her.

"Keep talking," she whispered, smiling.

I cleared my throat, "My moms from Mexico, and my dad is from Puerto Rico. My Grandma was white, thats how my mom and I lucked out with blue eyes. I speak Spanish, but most of my family still resides out of the United States. I have 4 sisters, all younger than me. Sienna, Marie, Leila, and Flora."

"I didn't realize you were Hispanic," she laughed. "Is it bad I thought you Italian?"

I laughed with her, "Believe it or not I get that a lot. But basically my Grandfather left everything to me, the shop, his house, his truck. It's nice. I've always had to work hard my entire life not knowing my Abuelo had left every for me so that I could hopefully start my own family and be apart of the family business."

The waitress sat down our food and silence fell. Anaïs gently picked at her chicken, thinking. I've learned when she's deep in thought, she scrunches her nose a little. It's cute, the way she twists her sweet face.

"Did you mean everything you said earlier?" Anaïs finally uttered, setting down her half eaten tender. "Like when you said you saw me in your future? Do you see us with 5 kids in that house and trying to fit them all in that truck?"

I chuckled and shook my head, "I could see that. I don't think that far ahead. I'm only twenty three, kids are far from my mind."

"But could you picture it?"

She looked hopeful, like she wanted me to say yes. And I could picture it. I hadn't before, but I could see her rounding up children that looked like us. I could see us, picking them up from school and sitting down for dinner. I could see them graduating, our proud, wrinkly faces.

"It'd be beautiful," I affirmed, "awe would make very cute babies, but we might need a van if we're gonna have five."

She laughed her sweet laughter, music to my ears that made my whole soul sing. She seemed comfortable, like she wanted it too, like she was picturing it.

"Do you want to be with me?" Anaïs said quietly, looking deeply into my eyes. She was chewing her lip, god her lips.

"What if I said yes?"

"I think it'd make me happy," she whispered, sliding a little closer in the booth. "I just wouldn't understand why."

I don't think she even understood what she was doing to me. She placed her hands on my face and leaned in close. Her hair was touching my arm and was giving my goosebumps, I could see every tiny freckle on her nose, the golden flecks of her eyes illuminated. Her long lashes brushed her cheeks each
time she blinked.

"Because you're everything," I whispered, scared if i I spoke too loud she'd disappear. She was so close to my face, her hands were so soft. I could feel her warm gentle breath, I wanted her lips on mine. I needed her to kiss me, to pinch me, to let me know I wasn't dreaming the passed few weeks and that she was really here, considering me.

"Can I kiss you?" she softly said, her voice trembling.

"You don't even have to ask."

Anaïs moved quickly, pressing her lips against mine gently, but firmly. I could feel her body pushed against mine, her heat, she was practically in my lap. I wanted her closer, but I didn't want to push her. Anaïs pulled away, her cheeks flushed and her eyes unable to meet mine. She buried her head in my chest and I asked for to go boxes.

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