Chapter 21

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The girls arrived at the party...

"Dang!!!! The party is over here!!" Elle said while her jaw dropped

"The mansion is so big!!" Mitzi half-shouted

As the girls walked in the mansion it was filled with lots of people in all sort of costumes..

"WAHH!! Let's go to the Club/bar area!!" Arlene told

"What'd you say?" Mitzi shouted between the loud hardcore pumping music they played.

"I said let's go to the Bar!!" Arlene shouted
"She said let's got to the bar!" Stella slapped the back of Mitzi's head while yelling in her ear

"Apta! Unnie Jeongmal, I might actually get brain damage because of you!" Mitzi whined as The girls made a poker face and continued to walk.
The girls finally made it to the bar, it took 8 minutes to the bar from all the people dancing.

The girls kinda got spilt...Elle went to the bar, Arlene on the dance floor, Stella at the snack area, and Mitzi at the tables/resting area.

"Aigoo~ How could I be so pretty today.." Elle complemented herself

"Here you go mam, a Tropical Margarita." The waiter set the drink in front of Elle

"Thanks but I don't drink~" Elle gave a soft smile

"You shouldn't thank me, I didn't order that for you. That young man ordered that for you.." The waiter told as Elle looked to her left, their was an awfully handsome guy sitting two seats away, he gave a seductive wink at Elle as she softly smiled.

"Ah~ Free drink although I don't drink.." Elle grinned

The young male scooted over next to Elle...

"Hey I see you like the drink I ordered for you.." He smiled

"I do, but I don't drink~" Elle replied

"Why is that?" He asked

"I'm under age, If I was older than I would've been drunk already!!" Elle answered

"Really how old are you?" The guy questioned

"I'm 18, young, wild, and free.." Elle swung her arms around and around.

"Wah, I'm 20~anyway why such a pretty girl alone.." He asked

"Aha, because people have bad taste these days.." Elle flipped her hair

"Do you think I have bad taste in girls..." The guy whispered in Elle's ear.

"Ah~ well obviously not~" Elle smiled

"Oh Mihan, I didn't introduce myself, I'm, Miyuki Yuto of 4°" the guy smiled

"Nice to meet you, I'm Kim Elle Leader of 5XN. Oh & what's 4° ? Is it like this hospital group?" Elle questioned

"You're pretty funny, 4° is a dance group I'm in..we have 4 members, including me~ " Yuto stated

"Wah~ cool, 5XN is a group I'm in too, but we don't really dance. Some of us dance and some of us sing." Elle added

"Hey did I tell you that you have pretty eyes?" Yuto changed the subject as he leaned closer to Elle and made eye contact.

Elle blushed a bit and said, " N-No, you never told me that..People usually say I have scary eyes.."

"And did I tell you have a nice chin?" Yuto softly grabbed the point of her chin...

"Thanks, I got it from my Eomma.." Elle told

♪Fate (Nu'est Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora