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Minho observed Felix and changbin talking behind the stairs although he couldn't hear them. Wanting to be nosy, he walked over to the pair and loudly introduced himself.


They rolled their eyes in unison.

"What do you want?"

"Well that's not a nice way to greet your master."

Minho cut changbin off to ask them a question.

"Hey. Do you guys maybe wanna go to this new restaurant tonight? It just opened a few days ago, yet it already has really good reviews on yelp-"

"Wait. You use Yelp?" Felix busted out laughing.

"What's wrong with yelp bro!?"

Felix just shook his head and continued to obnoxiously laugh at older.

"Fuck you, just answer my question. You guys wanna go? I can invite woojin and joong too."

"Yeah whatever. We have something to discuss with the whole group anyways."

"Alright. Meet me at 8. Camellia's."
They nodded and watched Minho walk in the opposite direction.

Minho stood outside of the school with a cigarette fixed between his lips. Oddly, he could hear faint crying in the distance. No one ever hung out on this side of the school, but it was obvious that someone else was there.

He dropped the cigarette and walked closer towards the sound. The sobs grew louder as Minho neared the other side of the building.


The crying boy looked up, but quickly looked away when he saw who it was.

"What's wrong with you?"
He wiped his nose with his sleeve and patted the ground next to him. Minho sat down and looked at Joong.

"Tell me." He laid his head on Minho's shoulder, fidgeting with his fingers.

"I think I'm the reason Han is dead."

"WHAT?" Joong started crying again, trying to speak with tears falling into his mouth.

"Before Han died. We went to a party. Just us two
a-and we never told Felix. Han was always in
t-trouble with brainless drug dealers and fake g-gang leaders, but at the time we didn't know who we were dealing with. W-w-we met a guy at the party who claimed to be a well known drug dealer with hella connections. We didn't believe him so we fu-fucked around with him..."

He trailed off not wanting to finish.

"And what!?"

"W-we... shot him."

"You say "we." Did both of you shoot him?"

"Not exactly. Han shot him. I just gave the order."

"Shit bro. You really think he would kill Han for that? If he's a "well known drug dealer," he probably gets injured a lot. Or at least his men do."

"You don't know man. Drug dealers hold grudges for the longest! Han's death is all my fault Jesus fucking Christ."

"Calm down. You can't be so sure it's him. Did he say some threatening shit to make you think that?"

"I remember him saying "you ain't getting away with that shit. My boys are gonna find your asses and end your shit." Or something like that."

Minho sighed and pulled Hongjoong in for a hug.
"Joong. It's not your fault okay? Just wait until the police find a lead or a more possible suspect than some rando at a party." Joong continued to wipe his tears just to follow up with some more.

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