Chapter 1 - Some Changes

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"You'll never catch me, Ladybug! Koo koo!" Xavier Ramier, better known as Mr. Pigeon, yelled out as he leaped from building to building of the city of Paris.

Unfortunately for him, he witnessed some butt-head take bread away from a pigeon, causing him to, yet again, fall victim to Hawk-Moth's power and become Mr. Pigeon.

"You never said anything about me!" Cat-Noir exclaimed as he jumped in front of him and whacked Mr. Ramier in the face with his staff. Mr. Ramier then fell to the ground.

"Good kitty!" Ladybug said as she reunited with her partner, a little out of breath. "Now let's get him before your time runs out..." she said, pointing out how he used his Cat-A-Clysm power mere minutes earlier, and now only has a few minutes before he transforms.

Cat-Noir's ring beeped as one of the green paw-marks disappeared. "Good idea..." he said.

"LUCKY CHARM!" Ladybug yelled as she flung her Yo-Yo into the air, the magic engulfing it, causing it to glow. After the glow disbursed, an object fell into Ladybug's hands. It was a... "Flashlight?!" She said, confused as to what she was supposed to do with this.

"I guess your Lucky Charm is telling you that you're the flashLIGHT of my life..." Cat-Noir said with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Turn your lights off for now, kitty, and concentrate on the real problem!" She said.

"Right right..." he answered before charging into Mr. Pigeon as Ladybug looks around.

Cat-Noir tried to whack Mr. Pigeon with his staff, only to have Mr. Pigeon summon a bunch of feathers and block his blow. "Huh... that's Mew..." he said before being wrapped around in feathers and flung into the air towards his partner.

"Alright, Mr. Ramier! Take tha...!" Ladybug tried to say before being interrupted by Cat-Noir landing on top of her. She aimed the flashlight at Mr. Pigeon but ended up flaring it up in Cat-Noir's face.

"OW! MY EYES!" Cat-Noir cried in pain as he clutched his eyes, his vision now blurred.

"Sorry..." Ladybug said while trying to get him off of her, the flashlight a wee bit out of reach, and almost falling off the roof.

Mr. Pigeon approached the two defeated heroes with the largest grin an Akumatized villain could have. "Excellent work, Mr. Pigeon!" Hawk-Moth exclaimed from his lair, while communicating with Mr. Ramier through his Akuma. "Now fetch me their Miraculases!"

"Koo koo! You know what they say, third time's the charm!" Mr. Ramier said as he approached Ladybug, reaching his hand towards her ear and getting uncomfortably close to getting her earrings off.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but... CAT-NOIR! HELP ME!" She cried out.

"I'll save you, m'lady!" Cat-Noir exclaimed as he charged blindly at Mr. Pigeon, but accidentally knocking the flashlight offthe roof instead. "Did I save you?" He asked.

That situation was so embarrassing that even Mr. Pigeon stopped what he was doing for a moment to just stare at him.

That was the break that they needed, though, as the flashlight hit another pavement roof below and lit up by itself, illuminating the image of...

"A GIANT FALCON?!" Mr. Pigeon yelled in fright as the falcon swooped down to attack him, causing him to run away.

"A giant falcon?" Ladybug asked herself, confused as to what this creature was and why Mr. Ramier was so scared of it.

"Falcons are one of the pigeons' natural predators..." Cat-Noir said, still walking around, trying to open his eyes without blinding himself. "That's probably why he's so scared..."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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