one-shot: star

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Out of all the things I can relate you with, a star fits you the best.

I always admire you for still illuminating the things around you amidst the chaos, for shining the brightest during your darkest moments, and for choosing to showcase this captivating light of yours to this dull world.

My life was a hopeless mess until you came. You, too, are not complete at that time. Your eyes tell a thousand untold stories but you were brave enough to mask it with your breathtaking smile. And with that, I found hope and comfort. For once, I have someone that I can relate to. I am not alone all along.

I've witnessed your downfalls. I was there through your hurts. I wiped your warm tears. And yet, that courageous heart of yours grew more strong and precious than ever. You still stood tall. You were the greatest soldier of your own battle. I, as your number one supporter, admire your strong will to fight 'til the end.

People questioned your capabilities, brought you down a couple of times, and some left you for good. For a moment, I saw a glimpse of giving up in you but you brushed it off. You chose to continue to give care, continue to spread joy, and continue to love. At that juncture, I could swear, I fell for it all.

There are times wherein I am wanting to keep you, to shower you with all the love that you deserve. Just like what you did to me... or maybe that's just me?

Still, I know that you're not mine and you might never be. But my star, you are still the loveliest to me. Pain comes with love, they say. And maybe that's true. Because at the end of the day, when darkness surrounds me, I find myself staring at you from afar. And that's just how it's supposed to be.

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