Part One...

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She stepped out onto the balcony where he had his back to her, a canvas in front of him & a paint brush in his hand as he poised to inspect what he had been working on.

She tried to peer her head around him to see what was on the canvas but his body was blocking her way.

"Angry Chorni, are you just going to stand there or are you going to come out here?" He addressed her & her eyes widened before she made her way over to him.
"How did you know it was me!?" She exclaimed
"I have a third eye." He shrugged then turned to look at her glaring at him.
"Very funny!" She folded her arms, then glanced over at the canvas that was in front of her, unfolding her arms as she admired it.

He had painted himself & his Baba at the Ganpati Mandir they would often visit together. A happy memory of his childhood. A memory he wanted to capture forever. A smile appeared on his face as he observed her staring at the painting he had just spent hours working on.

"What do you think?" He asked her when she didn't speak so she turned to him, her hands behind her back.
"It's okay." She shrugged & he shook his head at her teasing manner.
"That's what a nonartist would say" He rolled his eyes before facing his painting.
"Er, hello?" She took his shoulder & turned him to face her. "I could just as easily paint something if I wanted to!"
"Oh really?" He scoffed, shaking his head. "Don't bother Angry Chorni, this isn't a challenge." He teased leaning down to pick up the palette from the table beside him.
"How many times have I told you, not to challenge me!" She exclaimed & he stood up straight to see her glaring at him.
"I didn't!" He exclaimed in defence. "I just said that a nonartist wouldn't know how much effort it takes to paint something, that's all"
"Yeah. Well. You learnt, didn't you?"
"Yeah. But it's not something every one can do"
"Oh really?" She asked & he nodded
"Really. It takes time, effort & talent. You don't just pick up a brush & start painting."
"It can't be that hard. You do it" she shrugged
"Really?" He taunted & she couldn't help the amused smile on her face. "If you want…" he began, & she watched him dip the brush into the pallet before raising it to the canvas. "I can teach you…?" he suggested, innocently & she shook her head at him, trying to avoid the smile that threatened her lips when he turned to glance at her demeanour.
"No, thank you. I have no interest in learning." She mustered then folded her arms.
"You mean you have no interest in learning from me" He pouted
"Whatever you want to think" She rolled her eyes & he turned back to his painting.

"&, whilst we're on the subject, you still haven't shown me my painting" She asked & he smiled to himself before looking at her quizzically.
"Wait; who says I painted you?"
"Really, Ajeeb Rajvansh?" She raised her eyebrows at him.
"I could've just as easily painted Katrina Kaif" He shrugged & a sarcastic smile appeared on her face.

"Fine, go show your painting to her then" She said, going to walk off when his free hand took hers to stop her. He pulled her close.
"Relax Angry Chorni. I'm planning on showing you the painting at the right time" he entwined his fingers with hers.
"& when's that? When the next Kutch festival happens" she said sarcastically
"No, I was thinking when Kunal finally accepts us." He teased & she gave him a disinterested look, amusing him further.

"& what if I've already seen it?" She asked & his eyes widened as he released of her hand
"Wait. What!?" He exclaimed, this time amusing her. "You have!? When!?"
"Why should I tell you? Go back to your painting" She said in a huff, going to walk off when, again, he took her hand to stop her, putting the palette down so that this time he could pull her close enough for her to bump into him, catching her off guard as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"Answer my question Angry Chorni." He said softly & a coy smile appeared on her own lips.
"No chance." She said confidently. "Now let me go. What if someone comes?" She said, looking around as she struggled to release herself from his grip.
"No one's here but us" He shrugged. "What’s the rush?"
"Would you stop doing your ajeeb things & leave me?" She looked around worriedly. "Knowing my luck, your mum or Kunal could turn up at any minute & see us like this!"
"No, they won’t." He sang. "Mum's gone with Parul Maasi to the Mandir & Kunal is working late in the office"
"Fine, then your baba could come. Or Ketki or Atul could come!" She pressed, looking around to make sure no one had surprised them, all whilst still trying to free herself.

"Ketu's gone to her friend's & Atul is in his room practicing for some audition." He explained & she sighed, exasperated. “& before you ask, Maami & Maamu have taken Naanu out somewhere. Don't know where."
She gave him an incredulous look.
"& your baba?"
"He's resting in his room."
"You have an answer for everything, don’t you?"
"I fell in love with Angry Chorni, I have to be ready for anything" He smirked & she chuckled.

"Okay, seriously.” She said attempting to remove his arms from around her. “Abeer, let go”
"I thought you wanted to learn how to paint"
"No” She pointed out, “you wanted to teach me & I said no."
“You mean you got scared & thought I was challenging you”
“Don’t start with that again” She warned & he pouted.
“Fine. Go” He sighed, releasing her from his grip in a tantrum & turned towards his canvas to continue his painting. “I knew you weren’t really interested"
“Ajeeb Rajvansh” She said sternly from behind her as he smiled to himself, thoroughly amused as he counted down in his head.


He heard a sigh before she addressed him. “Fine” She gritted her teeth & he wiped the smile from his face before turning to face her.
“Fine, what Mishti?” He asked, confused.
“Fine, teach me how to paint”
“I thought you didn’t want to learn from me?” He teased
“Are you going to show me or shall I just go?”
"Well, if you insist…" he said stepping aside for her to join him.
"I'm not insisting, you are!" She pointed out.
"Yes Nariyal Mishti" he pulled a face as she turned her head to look at him.

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