Chapter 3

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"Imagine something so perfect is just right there for you and you've been reaching and working for it for years and then all of the sudden bam you reject it for a boy who manipulated you multiple times got you to join a gang had you commit crimes and goes by the name Jughead?" Lily asks harshly, "girl you have a full ride to a school you've wanted for years. You have a study abroad your first year and even better it's in Paris! I mean I can't even afford a picture of Paris."

"Wow Lily I'm glad you decided to stay in Rivderdale I love our fun little chats," I say as I flip through my summer reading book. "And by the way I decided to join the gang myself."

"But you wouldn't of even considered it if Jughead hadn't done it first," she snaps back. She looks to the boy beside me for support. Sweet Pea who had been doing homework with me only shrugs.

"I can't decide for her," he says to me, "that's up to her."

"Sweet Pea you are literally no help," she groans.

"Lily I really need to read this book for class," I tell her, "and finish my summer homework so can you just-"

"I just think you aren't considering your future," she says to me, "seriously I mean of all the things that you could do for Jughead ruining your future isn't one of them."

"It's not the only college I'm applying to," I tell her in a matter of fact tone, "plenty of other schools will accept me without having me move to another country. I mean hell Carson College has a decent art program."

"You are getting out of this town," she says to me, "you are not aloud to pick any college within two hours of this town."

"Okay okay," I say trying to get her to leave me alone, "now let us work."

"Paris! You are ignoring France!"

"I get it thank you Lily," I say to her, "always such a great help Lily. Now I have a hundred pages to read and a report to write so please give me a second to breath-"

"Senior year is lame! You don't need to experience it!"

"I disagree," Mary says joining in as she walks through the room, "senior year is a time to finish college applications and just enjoy yourself."

"Mary I need you to be on team Paris," Lily says, "come on think about it. Paris in art school by February or sitting here in the city of terror."

"I think that she should think about this clearly," Mary says, "moving to another country is a big deal."

"Thank you!"

"Come on Y/n you hate Riverdale," Sweet Pea adds, "you wanted to leave for so long what changed?"

"Nothing changed I just thought that maybe I don't have to run off," I tell them, "now lay off." They all don't seem to believe it. I sigh loudly. "Get off my dick. All of you just let me decide. I don't have to be enrolled until October."

"October is around the corner," Mary adds, "I just think you'd should weigh the pros and cons."

"Sure fine," I say to them, "now let me work!"

"Listen here girly-" Lily starts. Mary takes Lily's arm leads her from the dining room off to another. I sigh looking over to Sweet Pea.

"She's going to cause me to lose my shit," I admit to him, "seriously Lily is so obsessed with this."

"It's a cool offer," he tells me, "I'm not getting offers like that."

"I appreciate them giving me the opportunity but I can't leave my friends and family after all that's happened," I tell him, "as great as it would be to run away from this all. With what just happened with Fred. Leaving Lily alone is almost criminal."

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